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Spokentext for Android


Spokentext for Android

Hello All,


I am using the below code for spokentext( converting step instructions to speech 😞


$scope.speak = function(){
var spokenText = $scope.view.wdg["label-1"].text;
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(spokenText);


But it works only on IOS, and does not work on Android. Can someone share the code for Android, please.




Hello @agangaiah ,

I found some code where I tested the speech output on different devices. I think on Android it was  some code like this:


var speech = $injector.get('appSpeechService');
speech.synthesizeSpeech( {text:"Hello World on Android device"}, 
                       (function(){console.log("success");}) ); 


So I tested it further . I used the following code:

$ { 
    if(! // is not in Preview
       if(ionic.Platform.isIOS()) //and is NOT called on IOS = means Android mode detected
         return true;
   return false; }
$ { 
    if( // is in Preview
         return true;
   return false; }
$ { 
    if(! // is not in Preview
      if(/android/i.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera) ) // is Android
         return true;
   return false; }

function speek(msg_txt) {
  	console.log("android device :"+msg_txt);
    var speechE = $injector.get('appSpeechService');
    speechE.synthesizeSpeech( {text:msg_txt}, 
                       (function(){console.log("speach success");}),
                       (function(){console.log("speach issue ");}) );

else  {// preview and android
  console.log("this works in preview or IOS device"+msg_txt);
  var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(msg_txt);
  msg.pitch = 1;
  msg.rate = 1.0;
  msg.voiceURI = 'native';
  msg.volume = 1;
  msg.lang = 'en-US';
  msg.onend = function(e) {
  console.log('IOS Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.');

$ function() {speek($scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1']['text'])};
$ function() {
      var speechE = $injector.get('appSpeechService');

Used a simple project with 2 buttons and 3Dlabel widgets:


The voice output of the text is working fine on all Preview, IOS and Android devices.

But the stop/ interrupting the spoken Text was possible only on Preivew mode and IOS. For me was not possible to stop the text on Android mode. I posted this issue to internal dev community - so I hope that there we could get some hints

The dev team mentioned that there is method which should work (stopSpeaking() ) .Unfortunately I was not able to find how this should be called  so will  ask for  further detaisl e.g. what library or object  should be used

As you requested here I attached the current test project but it is not completed, When I have new info, I will update this accordingly 


speechE.cancel(); doesn't work as cancel() is not defined in 'appSpeechService'  

As another trick, you could pass empty string to the synthesizeSpeech function to make it behave like "cancel"

speechE.synthesizeSpeech( {text:""}, 
                       (function(){console.log("speach success");}),
                       (function(){console.log("speach issue ");}) );


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