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After succesfully importing a project, it gets stuck on "Initializing project" when opening it. If I refresh the browser, it opens the project but it is empty. I am using Vuforia Studio as an administrator. Here is the log:
[2019-11-13T18.19.51.459Z] Studio
[2019-11-13T18.19.51.471Z] Status Message: Getting ready...
[2019-11-13T18.19.51.471Z] Starting node.exe
[2019-11-13T18:19:55.982Z] info: [twx-studio:index] Studio Version
[2019-11-13T18:19:56.185Z] info: [twx-studio:initializer] Node version: 10.15.3
[2019-11-13T18:19:56.192Z] info: [twx-studio:initializer] studio launched with the following arguments: { _: [ 'C:\\Users\\hkuiv\\Documents' ],
'..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Roaming\\VuforiaStudio\\\\dist\\server\\index.js' }
[2019-11-13T18:19:56.194Z] info: [twx-studio:initializer] studio dir: C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio , home dir: C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents
[2019-11-13T18:20:04.232Z] info: [twx-studio:gitUtils] nodegit is not installed.
[2019-11-13T18:20:04.324Z] info: [twx-studio:ar-extension:upgrade] ar-extension version (1.44.1627)
[2019-11-13T18:20:07.868Z] info: [twx-studio:versionCheck] Version Check will use the update location:
[2019-11-13T18:20:07.881Z] info: [twx-studio:index] Studio Ready: listening on localhost:3000
[2019-11-13T18.20.07.881Z] Status Message:
[0mGET /api/projectTemplates [36m304 [0m33.131 ms - -[0m
[0mGET /extensions/%7B%7Bctrl.projectDefinition.typeIconPath%7D%7D [33m404 [0m1.874 ms - 197[0m
[0mGET /license-agreement-url [33m404 [0m1.912 ms - 160[0m
[2019-11-13T18:20:13.202Z] info: [twx-studio:versionCheck] version check complete true
[0mGET /api/version/check [32m200 [0m612.148 ms - 76[0m
[0mGET /api/projectTemplates [32m200 [0m5.601 ms - 271[0m
[2019-11-13T18:20:21.645Z] info: [twx-studio:versionCheck] version check complete true
[0mGET /api/version/check [32m200 [0m386.718 ms - 76[0m
[2019-11-13T18:20:27.637Z] info: [twx-studio:projectSettings] fileName "undefined" did not match location "3DSTemplate" for project named "undefined". The fileName and name will be changed to match location.
[0mPUT /api/project/import/?name=3DSTemplate [32m200 [0m2244.267 ms - -[0m
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.758Z] info: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Upgrading project
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.925Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\src\phone\components\Home.json
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.926Z] error: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Unable to update the metadata.json file, it was not found at C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\src\shared\components\metadata.json
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.927Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Wasn't able to migrate the data in view
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.927Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Wasn't able to migrate the data in
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.928Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Wasn't able to migrate the data in view
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.928Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Wasn't able to migrate the data in view
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.928Z] warn: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Wasn't able to migrate the data in view
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.929Z] error: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] File not found during migration of handler to handler-path
[2019-11-13T18:20:32.929Z] error: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] File not found during migration of handler to handler-path
[2019-11-13T18:20:35.148Z] info: [twx-studio:upgrade:3DSTemplate] Building ves-ar-extension app:
[2019-11-13T18:20:37.227Z] error: [twx-studio:ar-extension:gulp-shared] C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\src\phone\components\Home.json does not exist
[2019-11-13T18:20:37.240Z] error: [twx-studio:index] unhandledRejectionENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\dist\app\components\Home.html' { Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\dist\app\components\Home.html'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:438:3)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:343:35)
at addEscapedInlineHTML (C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\gulp-shared.js:1432:21)
at C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\gulp-shared.js:454:17
at arrayEach (C:\Users\hkuiv\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\lodash\lodash.js:516:11)
at Function.forEach (C:\Users\hkuiv\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\lodash\lodash.js:9342:14)
at C:\Users\hkuiv\Documents\VuforiaStudio\Projects\3DSTemplate\gulp-shared.js:453:17
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
errno: -4058,
syscall: 'open',
code: 'ENOENT',
Hello Henu,
It seems Vuforia Studio has problem to open some files.
Best regards,
There isnt a components folder in src\phone, only a resources folder. I believe the project im trying to import is made on an older version since the folder structure differentiates so much from the projects I have made with the latest version. Here is a screenshot comparison of the folders:
I haven't done a backup of the Project folder
Is there a way to rearrange the contents of the project im trying to load so that it would open correctly?
I have a look of the screenshot.
It is a screenshot of the Project folder at the root level.
Please go in src/phone/components folder.
In Screenshot, Project named Coffee_Maker_Project has the right folder name.
Project named 3DSTemplate doesn't seem a Vuforia Studio Project.
Best regards,
Best regards,