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Hi All, Hi @HelesicPetr
I have a Data Utility were I process the attribute values using the gatDataValue(). But the data utility does not get called for Common Attributes(allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas) in a WTPart. If the attributes are listed maybe I can assign the selector in the Layout attribute properties but for Common Attributes the attributes are not listed but I see just one cell with value "allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas". Can anybody help me know why?
Hi @MV_10441462
What do you mean Common Attributes?
Have you set the service,properties with DataUtility configuration?
I usually use internal name of parameter as a selector and add it to the
then the DataUtility is called almost everywhere the attribute is shown.
The Common Attributes group in the WTPart Layout. The method getDataValue() in the Data Utility is not getting called for the specified attribute in this "allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas". And yes I have set the configuration in xconf file still no luck. The data utility gets called for the same attribute if its added separately in the grid for a different group like General.
Hi @MV_10441462
That is common, the allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas is just group of non defined attributes on the WTPart.
You need to add the attribute to the WTpart type . So yes the attribute needs to be added separately.
Oh. How can I remove the attribute from the group so that I can add it manually to a different Group in Layout and I don't get it to repeat?
Hi @MV_10441462
You need to create Attribute on the WTPart type.
Same way as you create it on EPM (CAD) Document
the allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas shows all attributes from CAD Document that are not defined on the WTPart.
So you need to define them on the WTPart type.
Hi @HelesicPetr
The attribute I'm trying is already created in the WTPart created globally with a reusable attribute.
So it's a defined attribute right? Please correct if my understanding is wrong.
Hi @MV_10441462
Try to share some screen of the attribute.
If the attribute is created on the WTPart then you have to be able to add them to the layout group
in this point, you can have one attribute just in one layout. So if you have more groups in one layout then each attribute can be added once.
PS> if you add the allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas to a group, then you can not add another attribute to that group.
Hi @HelesicPetr
Exactly. My requirement now is to remove the attribute from the group allNonSchemaNonClassificationMinusClassificationRefIbas and add it to another Layout Group from the available attributes so that the attribute does not occur twice(once for the group and other manually) in the same page.