When checking in Creo objects that are related to parts and assemblies in family tables, the check in will fail. This requires opening the Event Manager screen, then opening the information screen to see the results of the failure. It states that it failed check in because some family table instance or instances, sometimes many instances of different family tables, of some part was not checked out. Therefore, you have to go out of this, and search Windchill for those instances and check them out, one by one. It makes it more difficult in that it is giving the Windchill number and not the Croe number. Then go back and try the check in again. Most times it will again fail check in because Windchill now requires other instances to be checked out, and you find that out by opening the event manager and then opening the information window.
The most frustrating part is that there is a box there on the screen with "Retry Options" but this does not apply for this type of failure.
Windchill knows what it needs to check out before it can check in other objects, for that is the message that it gives, and lists every item that needs to be checked out. A simple selection in the "Retry Options" would be "Check out now" and then hit the retry button. A little delay in getting objects checked in, but an easier way to collect and check out what is needed to check in.
Better yet , Windchill should prompt you during the check in process that it needs to check these items out, and allow that action be done befor the failure to check in.
Taking sometimes hours to check in an object because of these continuous failures and retries is a major road block to functionality of this product being a useful and productive tool for business.
Please fix this functionality to make it more user friendly.
Thank you