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Jim, if you're going to run the Java program from the server to get a list of current active users, it's less code to use:
java wt.util.jmx.RunScript -smjmx <somedirpath>/activeUsers.js
from a Windchill shell, where <somedirpath> is the path to wherever you place activeUsers.js and the contents of activeUsers.js are simply as follows below. Note that this does require 10.0 or higher.
importClass( );
// mbeanServerConnection provided by RunScript when -smjmx option is used
var users = mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(
new ObjectName( "com.ptc:wt.subsystem=Monitors,Name=ActiveUsers" ), // name of MBean of interest
"TotalActiveUsers" ); // name of MBean attribute of interest
println( "ACTIVE USERS:" );
println( "=============" );
if ( users != null )
for ( var i = 0; i < users.length; ++i )
println( users[i] );