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JSP Page to Set State


JSP Page to Set State

I am working on an administrative JSP page that would allow me to Set-State on wtdocuments and/or epmdocuments. I am using the Search-Objects webject to search for and get the information about the documents but, I cannot find a webect that allows me to set-state. Would anyone know how this could be accomplished in a JSP page? Is this something I would need to create a java class to handle? I have limited exposure to java so I would like to stick with the JSP if possible. Here is the search page I have currently. I would like to have the button that is clicked submit the request to the server for the state change.


<%@page language="java" session="false"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ie" %>




<h2> Info*Engine JSP Test Page</h2>
String where = request.getParameter ("where");
if ( where == null )
where = "()";
else if( where != null )
where= "(name='*" + where + "*')";
String wherevalue = request.getParameter ("where");

<div class="main">
<h1>WindENG Search 3.0</h1>
<form action="aindex.jsp" method="POST">
Search: <input type="text" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>">
<input type="submit" value="Search">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsp.css">

Searching with where clause <%= where%>.

<ie:webject name="Search-Objects" type="OBJ">
       <ie:param name="INSTANCE" data=""/>
       <ie:param name="TYPE" data="wt.epm.EPMDocument"/>
       <ie:param name="VERSION" data="LATEST"/>
       <ie:param name="ITERATION" data="LATEST"/>
       <ie:param name="WHERE" data="<%=where%>"/>
       <ie:param name="WHERE" data="(state.state='Released')" />
    <ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data="CADName,name,state.state,versionInfo.identifier.versionId,obid" delim=","/>
       <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="epmdocument"/>

<table border="1" cellpadding="2"
                <td>All<INPUT type=checkbox onclick="selectAll(this)" value=checkbox name=allcheckbox></td>

    <ie:forEach groupIn="epmdocument" groupOut="row">
            <td><input value=" " type="checkbox"></td>
                <td><ie:getValue name="CADName"/></td>
                <td><ie:getValue name="name"/></td>
                <td><ie:getValue name="state.state"/></td>
                <td><ie:getValue name="versionInfo.identifier.versionId"/></td>
                <td><ie:getValue name="obid"/></td>
                <td><input type="submit" value="In Work"></td>
                <td><input type="submit" value="Preproduction"></td>
                <td><input type="submit" value="Released"></td>
                <td><input type="submit" value="Obsolete"></td>



Accepted Solutions

Not sure we can do this using webjects. But for the Java API you can do something like below and is fairly easy

try {

  System.out.println("Entered SetState Method");

  ObjectIdentifier oid = ObjectIdentifier.newObjectIdentifier("wt.epm.EPMDocument:30651355012");

  EPMDocument cadDoc = (EPMDocument) PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh(oid);

  System.out.println("Number: " +cadDoc.getNumber());

  LifeCycleHelper.service.setLifeCycleState ((LifeCycleManaged) cadDoc, State.toState ("WIP"));

  PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh ((Persistable) cadDoc, true, true);

  System.out.println("State of the document: " +cadDoc.getLifeCycleState());


  catch(WTException e)




Thank you

Binesh Kumar

Medtronic - MITG

View solution in original post


Not sure we can do this using webjects. But for the Java API you can do something like below and is fairly easy

try {

  System.out.println("Entered SetState Method");

  ObjectIdentifier oid = ObjectIdentifier.newObjectIdentifier("wt.epm.EPMDocument:30651355012");

  EPMDocument cadDoc = (EPMDocument) PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh(oid);

  System.out.println("Number: " +cadDoc.getNumber());

  LifeCycleHelper.service.setLifeCycleState ((LifeCycleManaged) cadDoc, State.toState ("WIP"));

  PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh ((Persistable) cadDoc, true, true);

  System.out.println("State of the document: " +cadDoc.getLifeCycleState());


  catch(WTException e)




Thank you

Binesh Kumar

Medtronic - MITG


Thanks, I will give that a try.

Do you know if the ObjectIdentifier would be the same thing as the obid I show in the screenshot? Or would I need to parse that out of the obid?


You need to parse it to ObjectID

ReferenceFactory rf = new ReferenceFactory();

  WTReference ref = rf.getReference("VR:wt.epm.EPMDocument:30651331163");

  Persistable persistable = ref.getObject();

  System.out.println("Entered SetState Method");

  System.out.println("Object Id : " +ref.getObject());

  EPMDocument cadDoc = (EPMDocument)persistable;

  System.out.println("Number: " +cadDoc.getNumber());

  LifeCycleHelper.service.setLifeCycleState ((LifeCycleManaged) cadDoc, State.toState ("WIP"));

Thank you,

Binesh Kumar

Medtronic - MITG


If you still want to use a JSP page for this, you can add the java code inside the jsp as I've done in the attached example for renaming EPM Docs.


Thanks for sharing that code it is really helpful! Time to play around with it...


Thanks, I think this is going to work for me, I did have one other question you have a State object that is not instantiated in that snippet of code how did you create that object. Sorry my Java coding is limited.


Thanks Binesh Kumar‌ I got it working now. It is a special use case but others may find it interesting so I am posting the code here. I created two JSP pages a start page and a results page. A new search can be started from the search page. I have not cleaned up the code and added all the error handling I need but this gives you a starting point. Disclaimer this is just some sample code and is not ready for production, use at your own risk.

Here is the start page starteng.jsp



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsp.css">

<title>Engineering Set State App</title>



<div class="main">

    <div class="logo">

        <img src="image.jpg" alt="setstate logo" style="width:auto;height:60px;">&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<img src="image2.jpg" alt="setstate logo" style="width:auto;height:45px;">


    <div class="searchbox">

        <form id="form" action="engineering.jsp?" method="POST">

        <input class="submit-textbox" type="text" name="where">&nbsp<input class="submit-button" type="submit" value="Search">






Here is the results page engineering.jsp:

<%@ page language="java" session="false" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ie" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ page import="com.jbtc.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.regex.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.Pattern.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="wt.method.RemoteMethodServer" %>
<%@ page import="wt.util.WTException" %>
<%@ page import="wt.epm.EPMDocument" %>
<%@ page import="wt.doc.WTDocument" %>
<%@ page import="wt.fc.ObjectIdentifier" %>
<%@ page import="wt.fc.Persistable" %>
<%@ page import="wt.fc.PersistenceHelper" %>
<%@ page import="wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleHelper" %>
<%@ page import="wt.lifecycle.State" %>
<%@ page import="wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleManaged" %>

<ie:webject name="Get-Properties" type="MGT">
    <ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data=""/>
    <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="properties"/>
<title>Engineering Set State App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsp.css">
String searchTerm = request.getParameter ("where");
String obid = request.getParameter("obid");
String newState = request.getParameter("state");
String obidSplit = "fail";
String newObid = null;
if(obid != null && !obid.isEmpty()){
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^:]*:([^:]*:[^-]*)");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(obid);
            obidSplit =;
        if(obidSplit != null && !obidSplit.isEmpty()){
            String itemID = obidSplit;
            int lastIndex = itemID.lastIndexOf(":");
            newObid = itemID.substring(0, lastIndex);
                ObjectIdentifier oid = ObjectIdentifier.newObjectIdentifier(newObid);
                WTDocument cadDoc = (WTDocument) PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh(oid);
                LifeCycleHelper.service.setLifeCycleState((LifeCycleManaged) cadDoc, State.toState(newState));
                PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh((Persistable) cadDoc, true, true);
            }catch(WTException e) {
                //System.out.println("<p>Entered setstate method</p>");
                ObjectIdentifier oid = ObjectIdentifier.newObjectIdentifier(newObid);
                //System.out.println("<p>created oid</p>");
                EPMDocument cadDoc = (EPMDocument) PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh(oid);
                //System.out.println("<p>Number: " +cadDoc.getNumber() + "</p>");
                LifeCycleHelper.service.setLifeCycleState((LifeCycleManaged) cadDoc, State.toState(newState));
                PersistenceHelper.manager.refresh((Persistable) cadDoc, true, true);
                //System.out.println("<p>State of the Document: " +cadDoc.getLifeCycleState() +"</p>");
                }catch(WTException e) {
String where = request.getParameter ("where");
if ( where == null )
where = "()";
else if( where != null )
where= "(name='*" + where + "*')";
String wherevalue = request.getParameter ("where");

<div class="main">
    <div class="logo">
        <img src="JBT_White.jpg" alt="setstate logo" style="width:auto;height:60px;">&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<img src="setstate.jpg" alt="setstate logo" style="width:auto;height:45px;">
    <div class="searchbox">
        <form action="engineering.jsp" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="obid" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="state" value="" />
            <input class="submit-textbox" type="text" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>">&nbsp<input class="submit-button" type="submit" value="Search">
    <ie:webject name="Search-Objects" type="OBJ">
           <ie:param name="INSTANCE" data="$(properties[0][0])"/>
           <%-- <ie:param name="INSTANCE" data=""/> --%>
           <ie:param name="TYPE" data="wt.epm.EPMDocument"/>
           <ie:param name="VERSION" data="LATEST"/>
           <ie:param name="ITERATION" data="ALL"/>
           <ie:param name="WHERE" data="<%=where%>"/>
           <ie:param name="WHERE" data="state.state='*'" />
        <ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data="CADName,name,state.state,versionInfo.identifier.versionId,iteration,obid" delim=","/>
           <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="epmdocument"/>
    <ie:webject name="Search-Objects" type="OBJ">
           <ie:param name="INSTANCE" data="$(properties[0][0])"/>
            <ie:param name="TYPE" data="wt.doc.WTDocument"/>
            <ie:param name="VERSION" data="LATEST"/>
            <ie:param name="ITERATION" data="All"/>
            <ie:param name="WHERE" data="<%=where%>"/>
      <ie:param name="WHERE" data="(state.state='*')"/>
            <ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data="name,state.state,versionInfo.identifier.versionId,iteration,obid" delim=","/>
            <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="pdfdocument"/>
    <ie:webject name="Merge-Groups" type="GRP">
        <ie:param name="CASE_IGNORE" data="true"/>
        <ie:param name="CLASS" data="class"/>
        <ie:param name="COMPARISON" data="ALPHA"/>
        <ie:param name="GROUP_IN" data="epmdocument"/>
        <ie:param name="GROUP_IN" data="pdfdocument"/>
        <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="outdata"/>
        <ie:param name="SORTBY" data="name"/>
        <ie:param name="SORTED" data="ASC"/>
<div class="atable">
    <br />
    <table id="items">
                    <th>File Name</th><th>Windchill Name</th><th>Current State</th><th>Rev</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th>
        <ie:forEach groupIn="outdata" groupOut="row">
                    <td><ie:getValue name="CADName"/></td>
                    <td><ie:getValue name="name"/></td>
                    <td><ie:getValue name="state.state"/></td>
                    <td><ie:getValue name="versionInfo.identifier.versionId"/></td>
                    <td><ie:getValue name="Iteration"/></td>
                    <td class="nospacing">
                            <form method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="obid" value="<ie:getValue name="obid" />" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="state" value="INWORK" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="usedobid" value="<%=newObid%>" />
                                <button class="setstate-button" type="submit" class="button">In Work</button>
                    <td class="nospacing">
                            <form method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="obid" value="<ie:getValue name="obid" />" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="state" value="PREPRODUCTION" />
                                <button class="setstate-button" type="submit" class="button">Preproduction</button>
                    <td class="nospacing">
                            <form method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="obid" value="<ie:getValue name="obid" />" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="state" value="RELEASED" />
                                <button class="setstate-button" type="submit" class="button">Released</button>
                    <td class="nospacing">
                            <form method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="where" value="<%=wherevalue%>" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="obid" value="<ie:getValue name="obid" />" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="state" value="OBSOLETE" />
                                <button class="setstate-button" type="submit" class="button">Obsolete</button>
    <br />

Hope this is helpful.


Thanks Brian. This is great


Thanks, could not have done it without your help!


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