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When I revise a drawing and parts the drawing format always comes with the files and I have to "Remove selected objects" of the format so I don't accidentally up-rev it. Is there a way to lock this format down to where it is grayed out when doing something like this? The format is released and in a different formats folder.
I also have the same issue when I move files around. If I want to move a drawing from one folder to another and I select the drawing the drawing format get collected with it. I have to "Remove selected objects" of the format to make sure I don't move that as well.
We have the same issue here. Some way to "lock" it down would be nice.
We have our permissions configured such that once on object has been released, normal users are no longer allowed to move it or change it's state. Of course this doesn't help if you're the administrator. It would be nice if all the things the user doesn't have permission to change automatically had the grey line drawn through them.
We do too, but the format still shows up in the list of objects and has to be either removed, or excluded.
Seems that everyone has this issue - no systematic way that we've ever found to exclude .FRM's from collection for most actions (Revise, Move, Rename, Add to Promotion Request, etc., etc.). So - Every user every time has to find and unselect these. Sorry for the rant, but It's these types of things that make it clear over and over that no one at PTC actually uses the software - or these things would get addressed.
Given this inconvenient fact, you need to put some simple configurations in place to ensure that Formats are not changed (user group permissions), as others have stated. Standard for most seems to be to put all .FRM's in a Library with READ for all users, but with Modify and other permissions (include Move) given only to a select few.
... these types of things that make it clear over and over that no one at PTC actually uses the software - or these things would get addressed.
Comments like this make me smile. How many times has PTC come out with something that afterwards the user base says, what we're you thinking?!?! Can you imagine how different Windchill or Creo would look if every employee at PTC had to actually use them everyday to get their work done? I think an awful lot of product ideas would suddenly get changed to "Implementation in Progress".
Hi Tom,
This reminds me a consultant company. They keep telling us that ProjectLink was wonderful to manage projects etc... but when asked if they used it, they said no, we use sharepoint in MS Project... arggg
I am a strong supporter of ProjectLink, I find it great (while, as always many things could be improved).
PTC is promoting their ALM for company which develop software. PTC has a product which has a life cycle. Therefore, one could expect that Windchill has penetrated PTC and everybody is using it.
I am curious to know how much PTC use its own products for "production" not for creating demo etc.... Are their SPR managed in Windchill ? after all, there are quality issues to be addressed in their product.
Wonder if anyone at PTC will answer.
Leading by example is the one the best proof and way to be leader
take a look at last comment in this discussion What's New In Windchill 10.2 M010-M030 for Document Management
It's another example of what you wrote
As I have heard it put before: "Are they eating their own dog food?" Meaning do they use the products that they make.
I do not know why FRM should be configured that way by default in Windchill.
It is up to the company to decide what their data model and permissions are.
You've tried Policy Administration?
Place your .FRM files into a library specifically used for stuff like that (formats, start parts, etc.)
Use the Policy Administrator to remove the ability of the admin to move files found in that library. Now, when you move your .DRW & .PRT/.ASM. Test if the move collector even picks up the format.
I didn't test so I can't be sure it won't collect the .FRM even with the permissions changed. I have a feeling it will still collect, but at least will stop the move from happening if you forget to exclude it from the list.
From my own experience, I would say this is done to authorisation.
We have format in a library and a part of a very limited number of people . users can only read/download the released format.
As a consequence, when they revise a drawing, while the collector shows the format, it is automatically crossed. No risk for the users to revise a format by accident.
Also, as Don mentioned about Move. Only Admin could move files from folders to folders or context to context (we do not have same OIR for all contexts).
So Ryan, talk with your admin , he should change the configuration to prevent such situation. Nothing to do with Windchill
Best regards
Hello all,
Keep all formats, template in a folder tremed "common".
Create a new domain policy called "common" In access control create
1. WTObject; All state; Product Manager; Full Control
2. WTObject; All state; Product Manager; All Expect ; Read & Download ; (Deny to all other permission)
Using folder domain; apply /Default/Common
Now users will be able to use the format; but no modification
why do you suggest WTObject ? It is quite a board permission. I would only select EPMDocument in that case since we are talking about format only.
Hi Chris,
Its really an good option. For formats,symbols ,etc EPMDocument will be the right selection.If some document template also need to be managed in the same way then WTObject can be selected.