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Hello @wharaden1
First you need to allow the Multiple Release Targets by preference for example on site/Utilities/Preference Management.
If you need your custom state as a target you need to modify the LifeCycleTemplate and use some of transactions which are allowed in Change process
In change task and selection Release Target State you always see the transaction name (not target State).
If you need that the option name should be same as target state, then you need to customize transactions a way as you add custom lifecycle state but you chose transaction.rbinfo file.
Add new transactions to the list of allowed released target transactions in wt.preference
default value is "CHANGE,PRODUCTION_RELEASED,OBSOLESCENCE" (I would check it in your system)
in the windchill shell run xconfmanager tool to change this property with your transactions that equals to your states.
After restart server you can use transactions in your lifecycle template.
I use it several times that users do not care what is change, ProductionReleased options and they just chose correct name of state in change task.
Hope this general description can help.
Hi Petr,
I have done everything accept I can find where the " transaction.rbinfo" is located. In the EnumCustomize I don't see this .
Where is this located. I know it must be under lifecycle but not sure. TrasitionRB.RB.ser. Thats all I see. If that is it then I have customized this and still does not give me the pull down. Call me at 262-560-3217.
Bill Haraden
Hi Petar,
I found my TransitionRB.rbinfo file.
It looks like this:
Here is what my EnumCustomize looks like:
Don't these have to equal or if you have some instruction on what to change please.
Bill Haraden
Hi @wharaden1
If you edit a rbinfo file you need to run ant makejar script after a save in the enumcustomization wizard .
makejar propagates changes to the Windchill.
from Windchill shell run following command:
ant -f codebase/MakeJar.xml
Stop windchill
clear tomcat cache
Start Windchill
After that you should see the transitions in a LifeCycle editor
enumcustomization editor (used internal name)
LifeCycle editor with transitions
The result in Change management SetReleaseTarget with multiple transitions
LifeCycle of an object
Hope this can help.
Please call as I have not got this working.
Hi @wharaden1
Where's the trouble?
Can you see transitions in a LifeCycle template edit wizard? to be sure that custom transitions are there.
Do you set LifeCycle template to use the transitions? You need to set the transition for each target state.
Dear friends
This post made my day!
With its help and the reference to CS124047 I was able to enable Multi Target States for change messages in an important customer project!
Many thanks for this