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Windchill version:
Release: 11.1 M020-CPS22
windchill 2.2.2 REST Services
There seems t.b. a bug that makes properties in OData non-filterable when adding a separate configuration for them. Below are the steps to reproduce this issue:
1. We added a random string property to the `Parts` type called `RESTTEST`
(The property is filterable)
2. We added a custom parts extension configuration as described on p.84 of the Windchill REST
Services 2.5 User’s Guide having the following content:
Content of config file:
"extends": "Part",
"name": "RESTTEST",
"internalName": "RESTTEST",
"type": "String",
"readOnly": false,
"nonFilterable": false
As can be seen above, both `readOnly` and `nonFilterable` are set to `false`.
3. After having done this, the property becomes non-filterable, despite the configuration stating otherwise. This can be seen when querying the $metadata of the ProdMgmt domain:
<Annotation Term="Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.FilterRestrictions">
<PropertyValue Property="NonFilterableProperties">
This seems to be a bug which we haven't found a workaround for, unfortunately. However, we need to add such a mapping for a different porperty to make them writable via the API (since they are attributes stemming from the PartMaster).
Is there a fix for this or some sort of configuration that can circumvent the problem?
Because right now we have the option for attributes from the PartMaster to be
- either searchable
- or writable
but not both.
This is quite a serious issue for us so for ONCE I am asking some PTC folk for an answer, since hardly anyone seems to be able to answer any questions regarding the OData interfaces.
Cheers & thanks a lot in advance
PS: Why is there no "OData" label for Posts??
Hello Petr,
Thank you for taking the time to answer.
While this might be a possibility, the company I work for currently discourages any further customization of the OData configuration. Furthermore, this could have a negative impact on or existing software that uses the OData API.
Anyway, this doesn't change the fact that adding a property to `PartsExt.json` creates an entry in the `NonFilterable` properties. This smells kind of buggy to me.