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Version: Windchill 12.1
Use Case: N/A
These rows appear in MS log for any user (, what is this about? No hits in knowledge base search.
2024-12-09 13:56:35,295 INFO [ajp-nio-] wt.system.err - WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware
2024-12-09 13:56:35,780 INFO [ajp-nio-] wt.system.err - WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware
2024-12-09 13:56:37,702 INFO [ajp-nio-] wt.system.err - WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware
2024-12-09 13:56:47,004 INFO [ajp-nio-] wt.system.err - WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware
2024-12-09 13:56:47,287 INFO [ajp-nio-] wt.system.err - WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware
I did see this come up on google searches so I do not think this is Windchill specific. Can you add more information about when this is occurring and any recent system changes that were made. Is this just a warning?
I don't know yet what's the user action (assuming it is) triggering this. It's a recent upgrade to Windchill During testing there weren't so many users to test with, so didn't see this at all.
"just a warning", hehe 😂 There's so many in MS log labeled "ERROR" which in the end have no meaning according to endless surfing of support articles that who knows what's relevant. 2 days of looking at MS log after upgrade takes away 2 years of life expectancy....
Yes the rows start with "INFO" and then there's the "WARNING" as in the examples I sent here.
had a hunch and tried downloading an Office document from a WTDoc through Desktop Integration. That's causing these to appear in MethodServer log. Nothing strange about the download and opening the file to Word, business as usual. Revise, checkout and checkin ok.
I would file a TS ticket on this, Since its not causing any issue, at least PTC can investigate now that you have narrowed it down for them. Worse thing you get is a knowledge base article for the future.
Yup, ticket opened. I thought it's also worthwhile to make a note that there are folks actually using DTI despite all the risks involved.... 😎
You may also look about this warning here: