I have a cast partthat is merged, old school style,into the machined part. I have added an axis into the cast part that showed up in the merged machinged part as expected. But, I have changed the name of the axis in the cast model but the name does not change in the merged machined part. What gives?
Did you keep the assembly?
If you did. Try to open the assembly and then open the cast part. Rename the feature and save both the part and assembly.
I had a situation were the changes made did not transfer to the machined part unless I had the assembly open. I know this is not how it's supposes to work, but it's worth a try. I usually have no issues with the merge or cutout process.
By the way. There is nothing old school about Merge. In many cases the Inheritance process allows you to change the machined part directly which many people do not like. The merge process keeps the access to the machined part limited to only adding features and prevents modficiations of existing features based on the cast part. Just saying.... 🙂
"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"