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Cable Info in WT BOM?

5-Regular Member

Cable Info in WT BOM?

Currently using Wildfire4 and Windchill 10.0. I have an assembly composed of a spool, spacer and cable routed around the spool using Pro/Cable. I am able to get the regular components and the cable info (part number/length) to show in the drawing BOM using a custom repeat region. However, when the assembly is checked into PDM, the cable entity does not show as a component in the CAD structure or the WT structure. Is there a setting (either in Pro-E or in Windchill) to show the cable entities in the Windchill BOM structures?

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I have the same question, did you find the answer already?

5-Regular Member

Unfortunately no. We manually added the info to the WT structure and I haven't had time to re-visit the issue.

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