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Colors in subassemblies


Colors in subassemblies

I need to assign different colors to models part of sub-assemblies in a large assembly and it seems that I can't do that. I tried assigning the colors directly in the subassemblies - which is working - but the assigned colors don't show up in the top assembly.

I am sure this must be a simple thing to do (it must).

Any help on this, please, you will save my day !

N.B. I am using WF 5.


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Directly apply colour in parts in subassembly is not possible in wf5

But in the main assembly, you can activate the subassembly and then apply colour to the parts in that sub assembly.

Just incase you are not sure about the sub assembly name, try to use "select parent"



Just to close the topic and for future references : in an assembly, applying an appearance to a subassembly affect the whole subassembly.

If you apply apprearances to individual parts of the subassembly, it won't show in the assembly unless you first clear all appearances on the subassembly within the assembly.

...unless you use creo 2.0 where you can finally simply color a part within a subassembly from the top level assembly.
Furthermore if you decide to delete appearances in the assembly you can do this for single parts, the entire assembly (like a reset) or remove all colors and appearances like in previous versions.

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