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I am trying to change color here. But not changing 😞
The color is the same as that given created dimensions that have lost references.
If references are missing (there should have been a message that said references are missing): Select one and then right click - edit attachment and pick suitable replacements for the missing references.
Yes David, You are right. I agrre with you.
But if any case is there any chance to change that color or not?
sometimes its usefull to me.
herer u can change dimension colour
by the by which version of pro-e are you using this option is in creo 1.0 and 2.0
Thanks sanosh. i am working on WF5. I was aware of this color change, My question was different.
I'm not sure where to change the color of unattached dimensions. The color is there as a warning that the dimensions no longer represent any geometry.
If you reattach the dimensions, they will use the dimension color.
Yes David,
If we do edit attachement prob will solve, apart from that i was trying to edit that color. Because so many dimensions were here to do edit attachment but that attachments are at correct place .
I hope no solution for my question.
In the System Appearance Menu -> Global Colors -> Graphics -> Change the "Manufacturing Volume" color.
Yes, I agree, cuz that makes sense?!?
That is daft.
The entity descriptions are so cryptic!
Thanks for helping, I needed to change color of failed dims because I am color retarded.