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I am using VB API to connect to Creo Parametric 1.0 to extract data. I want to extract model drawing in PDF format and display it in my VB App.
When I call the Export method exception is thrown as : pfcExceptions::XToolkitInvalidType.
Does any one have any idea, what I should do?
Sub Main()
Dim asyncConnection As pfcls.IpfcAsyncConnection = Nothing 'conn
Dim cAC As pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection
Dim session As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession
Dim tModel As pfcls.IpfcModel
cAC = New pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection 'asynconn
cAC = CreateObject("pfcls.pfcAsyncConnection")
asyncConnection = cAC.Connect("", "", "", 5)
session = asyncConnection.Session
Dim descModel As pfcls.IpfcModelDescriptor
Dim expdf As pfcls.IpfcPDFExportInstructions
Dim pdfopt As pfcls.IpfcPDFOption
descModel = (New pfcls.CCpfcModelDescriptor).Create(pfcls.EpfcModelType.EpfcMDL_DRAWING, "test.drw", Nothing)
expdf = (New pfcls.CCpfcPDFExportInstructions).Create()
pdfopt = (New pfcls.CCpfcPDFOption).Create()
pdfopt.OptionValue = (New pfcls.CMpfcArgument).CreateBoolArgValue(EpfcPDFOPT_LAUNCH_VIEWER)
expdf.FilePath = "c:\work\test.pdf"
tModel = session.CurrentModel
tModel.Export("c:\work\test.pdf", CType(expdf, pfcls.IpfcExportInstructions))
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString + Chr(13) + ex.StackTrace.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
I solved my problem. I can only export drawings to PDF and not the model.The solution works when I use (open) a drawing.
Hi, Habib.
Thanks for sharing your problem. But I wonder whether I need some 3rd party pdf text extraction toolkits to help me extract text from pdf files. If so, it will be better if itt offers free trial package for users to check. I will try it later and send you feedback.
Best regards,
Could you please tell me how you guys are handling in opening existing drawings..
Is this using session.OpenFile()
If so, could you please send me a sample code snippet...
Ok, got it...