I have a custom balloon in which I have replaced the standard symbol with: \rpt.rel.PART_NUM\ \qty\X
So that the effect looks like what is pictured below. The problem is that I need a radial attachment so the leader moves around the part, but I don't want to show the circle. I made the circle as small as Pro/E will let me but when I create a PDF, it still makes a dot for the circle. I have also tried making the circle white but because we PDF in monochrome that doesn't help either (if you make it gray and PDF in grayscale at least it fades the dot a little).
Any ideas on how to hide the circle?
Christopher Rees - Mechanical Engineer - ISR Systems UTC AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 100 Wooster Heights Rd, Danbury, CT 06810 U.S.A. Tel: +1 203 797 5490 Fax: +1 203 797 6637 christopher.rees@utas.utc.com<">mailto:christopher.rees@utas.utc.com>www.utcaerospacesystems.com This thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may also use "Start a topic" button to ask a new question. Please be sure to include what version of the PTC product you are using so another community member knowledgeable about your version may be able to assist.