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A sub asm may contain the same parts as another sub asm.
1. When the sub asm is an instance of an asm family table, the parts may be selected by the search window by selecting one by one component separated by "and". When the used parts are the same, for inst a screw, the search window does not show you if the right part has been selected. How to put a mark on or change the model tree ID on each component in the model tree ?
2. When the sub asm is not an instance of an asm family table, the sub asm has to be selected by the open window. How to find the right sub asm with the right used parts ?
I would like to have a menu like the following when searching for a sub asm in Creo when searching for an asm, adding a sub asm or replace :
1. type the first part number, all parent asm's using the first part number are stored in session and shown in a table
2. type the second part number, all parent asm's using the first and the second part numbers are stored in session and shown in a reduced table
3. type the third part number, all parent asm's using the first, the second and the third part numbers are stored in session and shown in a shorter table
Continue adding part numbers until the part you type is not used in the same asm as all the numbers used in the table stored in session.
Are you asking the same question two different ways. Or is this a different question?
No, this is about multi search to find assemblies containing the same parts.
You may search for one part in windchill and ask where it is used, but how to collect more than one and ask where all together are used.
207101 is used by 49 assemblies, for inst 3041030.asm and 3041170.asm
3041030.asm uses 207101....but how many assemblies uses 207101 and 207102 in the same assembly ?
207102 is also used in a lot of assemblies and in the same two 3041030.asm and 3041170.asm
What other parts is used in the same assemblies ?
When searching for all parts in all assemblies, two ore more structures may be the same.
Two ore more structures may be compared in windchill, but then you have to find them first.
How to find all for all parts ?
The first search result may be saved in a temporary table.
The second serch shall be performed from that table, not all in windchill.
The third to be the same and so on.
When all parts are searched for you may have a few structures to compare.