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Good Day All,
Trying to apply a force & moment in mechanica to a surface on a part.
Do I have to apply this using Advance, Total Load, Uniform to get mechanica to apply the moment?
When I use a Simple Force/Moment Load mechanica ignors the Moment for some reason.
To close to the holiday and my brain needs a vacation.
Any help would be appreciated.
Don Anderson
So say the end surface of the part sees a force that is applied by another part.That loadload onthe other part is applied 33"away from the mating face and the load applied is 250lb.
Would it be applied to the part as I have done in the attached image and part file, wildfire 4. This is just a quick model for discussion.
Don Anderson
The moment inthe load I was usingwas not needed as you pointed out and cancelling my foce I was applying. (thanks Chris)
Thanks again for the help and have a great Fourth of July Weekend.
Don Anderson
A Total Load at Point will apply a linear force distribution to the referenced surface that is statically equivalent to the specified force/moment at the specified location. There is only one such force distribution.
The force distribution applied by the total load at point is unrelated to the density of the mesh on the referenced surface. And of course there will be many more degrees of freedom on the surface beyond the nodes as the solution reaches high polynomial orders.
Typically, applying moments on surfaces of shells doesn't produced the desired effect. In this example, the part will not "feel" a distributed moment from the body that has been skipped. It will feel a distributed force.
I would model this situation with a total load at point (as in the model Don attached).
Christos Katsis
One more thing that I forgot to mention in my previous post...
To minimize confusion and give a hint for the appropriate modeling technique, in Creo 1, the moment fields in the Load Definition dialog are inactive if the referenced geometric entity is expected to not have rotational degrees of freedom. In other words, the moment fields are availble for the application of a load on a point, curve or surface, onlyif that entity is associated with a shell, shell pair or beam. Otherwise, they will be inactive.
The same is the case for the enforced rotations in the Constraint Definition dialog.