I need your help with active_draving.dtl file setting-up so that i would have one more digit (4gigits) in a red colored column in the drawing
as below. It is just a family table with a parameter "MASS" - I cannot find the right option in dtl file to make the number more accurate.
Thanx a lot in advance
Just guessing as I don't use repeat regions... can you use the [.4] at the end of the variable in the table?
Do you mean the table in drawing, family table in part or the variable in relations?
here some printscreens:
[.4] after a numeric parameter overwrites the default number of digits to 4.
Antonius means your drawing table.
Instead of the "&fam.inst.param.value" in your repeat region table try "&fam.inst.param.value[.4]"
Btw is this a 2D repeat region? Looks like you have two regions in your table.
Let us know how that worked out for you.
Yes, thanks for clarifying, Jakub
in drawing under layout--format--decimal places, fill the number of digits you want, then select the one or group by crossing over you want to change, done. Bill
In using Creo 8, "drawing under layout--format--decimal places,", this works for me.
fam.inst.param.name{.number of digits] didn't work for me. (In past versions, this was the fix). Still works for Mass properties though.
I noticed that having the dimensions displayed as "@S" prevents the digits from being displayed in the table.
You have to change them back to "@D" temporarily, and the number of digits display will update (with update tables).