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Include proprietery marking in stp file


Include proprietery marking in stp file

Hello everyone,

is there a way to create stp with proprietary marking which is already in start part template or edit stp later and add proprietary marking?

While creating stp and sending to vendor, noticed all proprietary marking are gone. May be there is special setting to include that in stp file.?

thanks in advance

23-Emerald III

What sort of marking are you looking for?

I know the IGES spec has a comment field that we used to put a copyright notice and disclaimer in with another CAD vendor. Not sure all vendors read that field.

There is a setting for Company_name that may be take some disclaimer text. It does get written to the STEP file header. Not sure of the character limitation.

need simple line with company name and ITAR

it worked! I just added config line with text and stp shown text line.

Thank a lot.

21-Topaz I


Can you mark Ben's answer as correct?

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