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List of text modifiers in drawings


List of text modifiers in drawings

Does anyone have a list of the possible modifiers for dimensions (like @+ to shift a text lineup, @O to override). Maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms, but I can't seem to find a list anywhere.

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23-Emerald II

@+ Superscript

@- Subscript

@# ending script change

@O Override

@[ ]@ box test between []

These are all documented in the Wildfire4 Detailed Drawings Help Topic Collection. There may be a CS article that covers them all, I only found some articles that cover a few.


FYI, your link doesn't work for me - says it's a PTC internal document and not customer viewable.

Anyway, I have these two on my list:

@S = display the dimension name instead of value

@o = attach the leader to this location (in multi-line note)

23-Emerald III

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