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I have created a table which uses a repeat region to display material names and masses of parts in an assembly. So I am able to know that part1 is made out of aluminium and weighs x amount of weight. This is using asm.mbr.part_name and asm.mbr.pro_mp_mass. I am also able to know the total mass of the assembly using just &pro_mp_mass.
I would like to be able to calculate just the total amount of weight for a specific material and store it as a variable. So for example, add all the pro_mp_mass for all components which have a material name which is aluminium, and not take into account for the calculation, the other materials. Is this possible to do? Any help would be much appreciated. I can provide further explanations if required.
Thinking outloud………...
Can you sort the BOM table by material type?
Not sure repeat region relations have the ability to add up the weight column numbers.
Hi Ben,
I would like to do it automatically if possible, but thanks for your answer
Does it need to be done on the drawing? You can export the table to a csv and open it in a spreadsheet program and manipulate the data there.
did you try filtering repeat region table contents to display aluminium parts, only ?