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Mechanism help


Mechanism help

Hello all,

I am trying to educate myself in the use of Pro/Mechanism. I have been through the available tutorials (piston/crankshaft, cam/wheel, camshaft/rods) and they have been helpful. However,I don't understand and cannot find anything explaining how to set up a check surface in the mechanism. For example, if I were to have a block on top of a plate with a planar connection, I would like the block to slide freely around the planar surface until it hitsothercomponents mounted on theplate. Can this be done? If so, any help would be appreciated.

I have attached a view with a simple illustration. In this attachment, I would like the puck to slide around in the slot, but be constrained by the slot walls and stop at the pin.


Which version u r using ?? (Proe version)

Suganthan Rajamanickam
Pro-e System Analyst

Hi Robert,

There are a couple of ways to do, this;

  1. If you want to simply have collision detection while doing Dynamic Drag (the white glove, or while holding CTRL-ALT-LMB), set the config option "enable_advance_collision yes". Then, go to Tools - Assembly Settings - Collision Detection Settings. Check "Partial Collision Detection" and collect the items you want to check collision between. Or set Global Collision, which should be fine with your example.
  2. If you need collision detection while running Mechanism Analyses, there are really two ways;
    • Cam connection. (Application - Mechanism - Insert - Cams). This works in all recent versions of Pro/ENGINEER. Just select pairs of surfaces that you want to have contact between, and remember to go to the last tab and check "enable liftoff". Think if this as a tool to use when the contacts occur as a result from motion in a plane.
    • 3D contact. This is available in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0. It is similar to Cams, but adds the ability to use real material data for the parts (youngs modulus, dampingetc)to analyze the physics of the contact event. Also, there are additional references available, like spherical surfaces and vertices/points. In the latter case you provide a contact radius around the vertex, like inflating a "mini-airbag" around it.

More details on the new things in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 can be found here:

I hope this helps!



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