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I need some help about the MC configuration folders, for some constraints in the ProE configuration in my company.
I can not update the STATUS folder in the ModelCHECK CONFIG folder, so my question is
we have today in the condition file (status/status_old.mcq)
so the status_old.mcq is inside of theSTATUS folder.
but I need to modify the condition file to (new_status.mcq)
and the file new_status.mcq inside of the CONFIG folder.
is this posible?
I have made some tests and it seems to be working.
Thank you
Azael Lopez
Hi Azael,
You can set the location for the modelcheck files using the following in your pro/e startup bat file or system varible.
set MCDIR=C:\newlocations for modelcheck files\modelcheck
Hope this helps,
Don Anderson
You can also use the Creo option:
modelcheck_dir : Specifies path to the ModelCHECK configuration files.
you can set it to a UNC file path in windows. For instance:
modelcheck_dir \\<your server name>\<share name>\creo_settings\modelcheck\production\
Note: Creo looks for a folder called ‘config’ at the path specified in the modelcheck_dir option setting. So be sure NOT to include ‘\config’ to the end of the specified path.
Best Regards.