Does anyone know how to split a curve into equal segments.
What i'm ultimately trying to do is as follows: Draw a curve, split it into 10 equal length segments, and then be able to manipulate the curvature of each segment while keeping adjacent segments tangent.
I took a Creo class a few years back and I recall learning something about ratios, that allows you to put in say, a ratio of .10 to divide a curve, or maybe it was a spline, but I can't remember much detail.
Any help is appreciated.
Welcome to the forum, Kenton.
You can place points along a curve at either ratio distances or real length distances.
You can then define a datum curve to points if you are working in 3D, or just use a sketch to create different splines if working on a planar curve. You have different levels of spline control in sketches than you do with datum curves.
A further technique in working with 3D curve is to use the points as references in a sketch; manipulate the sketch, and project those new splines onto a surface that follows the original curve. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.