Well the ProductView Express needs some work. This could be a really useful program in the future. Here is a list of my grievances: 1. In five minutes of testing it crashed twice. 2. When I open a drawing it acts like it opened the drawing but only displays a soft blue background. 3. Why won't the hidden parts stay hidden? (i.e. skeleton data - My program manager's brain can't comprehend the skeleton data.) 4. When I go to open a file, why do I have to go to the combo box in the bottom right hand corner to select ProE files to open? 5. When I open an assembly why do I have to double click the Model tree entry on the left for the model to be displayed? 6. Forget about trying to open a wiring diagram. I'm sure there are more but this is all I could find in 5 minutes. My Spec's: ProductView Express 9.1 M020 ProE WF3 M120 Windows XP Pro
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