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I'm using Creo 7 and Windchill 12.
My model tree setup has got a column in for PTC_COMMON_NAME, which we use as the human-readable descriptor of the cad part/assembly.
Some of the sub-assemblies are quite heavy so I don't want to have to retrieve them and bring them into session only to find out that's not the section I was looking for; i.e. I can't remember if the part I want to see is in 100_8 or 100_9, but if the common names were shown I would be able to tell which one I need.
When I open this top level master scheme the common name column is all blank, and when I set the sub-assembly to a master rep it retrieves the common name and displays it, but I'd much prefer to make it retrieve the common names of each of the assemblies within the top level, without bringing their assembly contents into session; is that possible?
I think I can make a user defined "empty" rep in every individual sub-assy and then re-define the master scheme "empty" rep to call up each of those user defined reps rather than an exclude, but that would necessitate defining those reps one by one and checking the whole lot in again.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Try config option read_parameters_of_excluded.
I think Windchill Commonspace must contain requested information.
Hi Martin,
Can you elaborate? I've got all of those assemblies in my Workspace, and they're in CommonSpace too, but I'm trying to avoid having to load them into memory
@Fianna wrote:
Hi Martin,
Can you elaborate? I've got all of those assemblies in my Workspace, and they're in CommonSpace too, but I'm trying to avoid having to load them into memory
ask some of your colleagues or your CAD/Windchill admin. I guess you must be able to show PTC_COMMON_NAME column in browser containing CommonSpace contents.
'PTC_COMMON_NAME' in Creo is automatically mapped to 'Name' in Windchill. They both show the same value.
The 'Name' column can be seen as a column in the workspace:
It is also possible to use these same table views in the Creo 'File -> Open' dialog:
Yes, that's how it is for our setup too; I've got Name in commonspace & workspace.
The question probably isn't clear, I'm trying to see the Name / Common_Name of all of the excluded parts below without having them in session basically:
This is from inside a creo session rather than wanting to see it in windchill/via a browser.
Use PTC_WM_NAME instead:
No joy; I get the same behaviour as with PTC_COMMON_NAME:
They show up fine with the parts in session though:
Interesting. I wonder if this is because the items excluded from the rep. don't actually have to be in memory.
I'm out of ideas. Maybe open a case with PTC and see if they have any other suggestions.
Try config option read_parameters_of_excluded.
This is perfect!
I ended up re-defining the empty rep in the top level assembly to reference a new "empty" rep I also had do define in each of the child assemblies to get it to work, but have set this now and it's working 100% in other assemblies without the need to re-define loads of reps.
The options are Yes/No/Common_Name_Only so it looks like this was intended to solve just this problem
Thank you 🙂