These are my comments about the responses that I got, and then I'll list the responses below.
One suggestion was to find all of the one sided edges with Find. The Find command does actually appear to do that, but it does not appear to work if the object is imported. When I would select the import, I wouldn't get anything, because Pro sees it as one entity is my guess.
The pre-Wildfire schema definitely helps, and this is one of them rare instances where you're almost better in wireframe than you are in any other mode.
But the best solution is the IDD, and then Geom Checks. I did remember seeing this at a user group of conference, but had forgotten where it was. It's buried fairly deep.
And, with all of that being said, I had to sadly give up on this model. I don't really think that there's anyway that I'm ever going to actually "repair" it to the point that I need to get it. I have approximately 400 things that need to be fixed on this model, and I don't need it fixed that bad. It's just too much work what I want to get out of it.
Thanks again for all the help!!!
I have chosen to stay at wf2....when you find a good hammer, no need to upgrade it, until they change nails.
With that said, I have no idea where they hid the functionality you matter it rarely worked.
Try to match the accuracy. (you can find it in a iges file)
geometry checks may have some clues.
From past experiences...looks at corner rounds.
Try a copy will most likely fail but may show you where the problem is hiding.
Another thing that has worked for me in the past...fix it the best you can...once your stumped export it out as a step and import it back in. I have received many free fixes. Pro/Engineer is your friend. ============
Visually, the pre-wildfire color schemes are great for visually hunting for "holes" in quilts.
If you use pre-wildfire colors such that stitched edges are purple and open edges are yellow, I can typically hunt down visullay small open ends. some times it takes awhile...
I thought that typically, when attempting a solidify a quilt that is not 100% bounded, an "arrow" would appear on the surface body near the area that is open??
Darrin, while in IDD, select Info --> Geometry Checks. Once there select Edit --> IDD Settings and choose the checkboxes of areas you wish to highlight. You will then get a listing in the Import Feature that you can expand and select to show in the graphics screen. There is an IDD tutorial in the Help Center that has directions and models to provide some familiarity with IDD. Here is a link to a video from a tips/tricks session on using IDD: This thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may also use "Start a topic" button to ask a new question. Please be sure to include what version of the PTC product you are using so another community member knowledgeable about your version may be able to assist.