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Show GTOL in two different drawing sheets


Show GTOL in two different drawing sheets

Hi All,

I have a multiple sheet drawing. On the first sheet, I have the GTOL for the manufacturing side. On the last sheet, I want to show the same GTOL for the inspection side. I cannot get the GTOLs to show up on the last sheet using the Show/Erase function. The views on both sheets are using the same model and REP. The only difference is that the first sheet has a section view. Is there any way to get them to show up on both drawings without creating them twice?

WF 4.0 M100



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Thank you to Bill Samuels, who sent me the following reply:

Create an offset note, list the &g# in it (use info switch dims to get the g number).

It will track with the original feature control frame and always track position to the inspection dim.

It worked great.



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