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I am working in Creo 2.
I want to edit a pattern table but I could not edit it, it says that "Cannot open file". What could be the reason? Even I am facing difficulty to create a new pattern table feature.
Please advise.
when I click Edit button, Pro/TABLE editor opens. Rename your files temporarily and test Creo behavior.
For me, When I click edit button, not opening any window. Instead of that it says that "Cannot open file".
Me too.
I get this when the working directory for Creo cannot be written to. You need permission to create the temp file the table editor works with.
Hi All,
I have changed the working directory by selecting the options-> environment-> working directory-> "c:\windows" to "c:\apps\creo\creo 3.0\M050\".
it is working fine
how do I determine what my working directory should be??? the location should depend on where creo was loaded? Is there a specific folder I should be pointing to?
working directory is the directory in which you want to save your data. For example:
any directory you create
You need full access rights to the directory to be able to create/delete files.
found below link. working directory seems to be right so tried changing the browser type (from Mozilla to Ie). logged off/in couldn't get back in. changed back to Mozilla, logged off/in. pattern tables are working, which I guess is all that really matters...
thanks to everyone for your help.