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when i go to make a extrusion and i want to make it, for example, 25mm + x_tolerance (let x_tolerance be any number)
after the extrusion is created I can't adjust the length of 25mm, only x_tolerance in the relations tool.
I can't open relations/dimensions when editing the extrusion and in dimensions its uneditable too. is there any way to edit the length or even delete the relation, otherwise i have to delete the entire extrusion.
Solved! Go to Solution.
If you are using relations to define the variable for x_tolerance then create a parameter for the nominal dimension of the extrusion. You would then control both parameters by editing the part relations.
You should be able to delete any relation in the editor. You can also comment the relation of interest and then edit the feature directly using the feature dimensions.
If you are using relations to define the variable for x_tolerance then create a parameter for the nominal dimension of the extrusion. You would then control both parameters by editing the part relations.
You should be able to delete any relation in the editor. You can also comment the relation of interest and then edit the feature directly using the feature dimensions.
ah ok, that's a weird workaround, although instead of creating two parameters I'll just make the length equal to 25mm + x_tolerance in relations. like: d10 = 25 + x_tolerance.
thank you,
If you explain the design intent you need, there may be an alternate method to capture it. What is driving the need to add a tolerance to the length of the extrusion?
I don't understand what you are seeing.
I created a simple block extrusion, its height is governed by dimension "d0".
I created a parameter, "htTolerance" and set its value to 0.010.
I double clicked on the dimension for the height and it showed me the value, arbitrarily 4.0 when I created it.
I typed "5.0+htTolerance" into the text box for the dimension. Creo asked me if I wanted to create a relation, I said yes.
Regeneration changes the height to what I defined, now 5.010.
I click on Model Intent->Relations.
The relation d0 = 5+htTolerance is there. I can change the 5 to whatever I want, regenerate and away we go.
Seems to be working fine.