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Hi everybody
I recently started using distributed Pro/Batch for the generation of .dxf files from all .drw files stored in our repository folder
The .dxf generation process works ok for parts.
However when I try to generate .dxf files for assemblies the conversion fails
On the log I get the following error:
Connected to Pro/ENGINEER | Successful | C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\proe1.psf
Reading Task Type Definition | Successful |
Copied configuration objects | Successful |
Search Paths added | Successful | "C:\Users\AP\Documents\...\hardware\mechanics\proe\"
Load Model into Pro/ENGINEER | Failed | [-4] Error: Incomplete input data.
Task Status : Failed
Any clues on how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance for any help
Have you verified that the assembly has all of the components in the same dirrectory and opens correctly in pro/e and regenerates?
Do any of the compoents have any features that fail when a full regeneration is performed?
Do you have the config pro option to freeze components enabled? If yes this might be part of the problem (this will hide assembly issues).
Just a couple of thoughts,
Don A
Hi Don
thanks for the suggestions
thanks again
My guess would be that Distrubited Batch not seeing the file and not reading the seach paths.
You might try adding the file to the Configuration Files settings task group for your dxf .dxc settings file
See attached image as an example
-Select Configuration Files (task group)
-click on the folder icon to the upper right (add Configuration Files to selected task group)
This might do the trick,
Don Anderson
Make sure you check for any spaces in any of the paths or statements. That one gets me every time.
A P,
Did you find a resolution for this issue?
kind of...
I simply added all my project files as configuration files.
It feels like a hack but it seems to work fine.