I have a quite puzzling problem with assembly level features.
I want to redefine the reference surface of a assembly-level hole with respect to a new surface which will be obtained from an assembly-level extrusion I want to insert (before that hole itself obviously).
The problem is that after I insert that extrusion, and re-open the hole menu to redifine the reference surface, the software still sees the old (out-of-date) surface as the new extrusion had never been there.
Exiting from edit-definition menu, and regenerating, the model goes up-to-date.
I already opened a support case with PTC TS, they initially told me it's a problem of model accuracy (must be absolute and the same for all models involved) --> it seemed to be working initially, but then I re-took the same model, repeated the procedure but didn't work. Re-opened the case, they passed it to R&D department and still no reply arrived to me yet.
Anyone has experienced the same thing and knows what the cause is?
Here below a video of the steps I take:
did you try to Edit References of the Hole feature (not its definition) ?
Hi Martin,
thanks for your reply. I have just tried your suggestion, the correct surface is there and selectable, but a regeneration error comes after. If I then select edit definition, the new reference is with the red dot as it doesn't exist...
bye bye
Hi Tommaso,
I am sorry I have no other idea.
Hi Martin,
thanks anyway. I have an update on this, I realized that If I save the assembly, close and erase it from session and then re-open it, the hole comes out with a missing reference (the old surface it was placed on), and if I edit its definition the new right surface is visible and selectable. So this is my workaroud for the moment, waiting for the "clean" solution to come back from technical support if ever.
(from what they replied as far, for them it seems to be a problem of regeneration, showing a green light when instead it has not completed properly).
bye bye