Hi all.
First, allow me to wish you a happy Friday. This will provide me with some
level of pardon for which I am about to say.
I have not yet voiced my thoughts on the "WF5 Drawing Module" into the
kettle of User Opinion. I sincerely hope that PTC is listening to us here.
I am hearing / reading that the ribbon remains in Creo. Great. But who
thought it was a good idea to dis-allow moving dimensions when in the
"layout" tab? I am laying out a drawing to make everything fit. Adjusting
partial view splines and moving dimensions around is annoying. Sorry for
beating a dead horse, but it really does suck. I hope it gets better, but
that won't help me for quite some time; I will be on WF5 for a long time.
And the layer controls interface is quite confusing. I don't understand the
logic behind WHERE things are located. (if you don't already know, try to
find "save layer status") And I am confused with setting the Drawing layers
different from specific View layers and it SEEMS that the "ignore model
layer status" check box does not work. Once I figure it out, I am sure I
won't so easily complain. But it is not Easy To Use. I think it sucks.
PTC: The specific complaints I have cited above are only samples of the
frustration that I (we) have with this new UI. Please don't just improve
it. Re Write it to work according to your self-proclaimed goal "Ease Of
I can imagine the ribbon to work well and be Easy To Use. But it isn't
right now. It is so incredibly frustrating that I took this time out of my
hectic schedule to complain.
If anyone has an - that I should forward this to, or
some other influential avenue to lodge this complaint, please, hook me up.
Thanks for listening. Happy impending weekend.
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