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replace a surface


replace a surface

I don't understand the function of replacing a surface. can you give me an example or what it is intended for?
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Cynthia, You would have to see several examples to appreciate how powerful this feature can be; the attached illustration will give you an idea. The cylinder on the right was a mirror copy of the one on the left before having its top surface replaced by the surface quilt above it. There are numerous other amazing tools in the Pro/E set of tools that can allow you to do difficult things easily. Look at Toroidal and Spinal Bends, for example. David

It will alow you to remove or add material or both. As a simple example create a block or cylinder and extrude a surface to create a thru hole. Select the surface, solidify, and the patch icon. If you create the hole it takes the two end surfaces and replace the center portion with the cylidrical surface and removes the material. You could also reverse the material direction and keep the inner portion. To add material extrude the cylinder so that it extends out from the solid. You can then cap the end by creating a fill surface then joining the two surfaces. Using the patch under the solidify command will add material.

where is the replace menu pick? do i need ISDX to use it?

I misunderstood what you were asking about. Select the surface you want to replace and select Edit>Offset. In the drop down select Replace Surface Feature.
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