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I'm unable to insert a figure xref that generates a figure and page number when I create a pdf.
What needs to be enabled/disabled in a stylesheet to be able to insert figure xrefs that generate a figure number and page number?
Emil, what doctype are you using? And what Arbortext version?
In 6.0 and 5.4 for DITA documents figures' and pages' numbers in xref are generated in PDF with OOTB templates.
Generally, you should search for "Cross Reference" in Styler help to get more info on this topic.
See the video with an overview of modifying OOTB stylesheet for Docbook. The video was shot using Editor/Styler 5.4.
I'm using DITA, ArborText version 5.4 M050 (May 14, 2010).
Are you composing PDFs from Editor or using APE? Are you getting any errors/warnings when composing PDF?
Are you using the default stylesheet? If no, can you get the desired result using the default one?