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Hot key "Ctrl+Shift+="


Hot key "Ctrl+Shift+="


I try to use this hot key to popup a line in front another without success (on azerty keyboard , isodraw 7)

Anyone know why this command doesn t work ?

Thanks in advance.


I am a "longtimeIsoDrawuser" and I always use short cuts - but I've never heard about that one (strg+shift+=). Tell me more about - did it ever work in former versions?

I only know this ones around that point: (strg+shift++ or strg+shift+-)



i m too a "long time user" Before i used isodraw 6 and the shorcuts for popup and popback was like you use atm (ctrl + + to popup and ctrl + - to popback french version of isodraw).So i moved on version 7 and now the hotkeys are different : Ctrl+Maj(Shift)+ - to popback (this command work fine) for the other popup Ctrl+Maj(Shift)+= there s nothing happening , i have to "right click" and select "popup" it s annoying...

I think maybe because i push on Shift the = become + .....

Attached there s a picture of desktop....

thanks for your answer sorry for my english


Ah - now I know what you mean. I think it is a "translation" fault which is caused by PTC.

Here you can see how it is descripted in the german version - so I think you should use the button "+" instead of "=" ...


hehe i tried already to replace = by + but it doesn t work (you use the version 6 of isodraw ?) so i don t know what to do

Maybe you know how to edit yourself the hotkey in isodraw ?

I think it s a bug in my version or a bad installation or the version 7 is less good than the 6


It s totally weird look the picture i have the same hotkey for "premier plan"(in front of all) work fine by element menu but "plan avant"(in front of another) doesn t work ........


pierre caz schrieb:

It s totally weird look the picture i have the same hotkey for "premier plan"(in front of all) work fine by element menu but "plan avant"(in front of another) doesn t work ........

That's really great ... I love that folks ... => open a call ... that seems to be a big bug ...


pierre caz schrieb:

hehe i tried already to replace = by + but it doesn t work (you use the version 6 of isodraw ?) so i don t know what to do

Maybe you know how to edit yourself the hotkey in isodraw ?

I think it s a bug in my version or a bad installation or the version 7 is less good than the 6

Oh that's nice when PTC makes differences in the functions between the different countries.

We use version 7.1 (from release M0010 to M0040) and here it works ... the best way for you may be to open a call at the PTC-support.


I agree with you it s not cool from PTC so i ll calling the tech support of PTC thanks for your time and answer see ya


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