Hi. Is there a free student download of creo parametric 1.0? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!
I would see if you can get in contact with someone from the Schools Program. Although the write-up says Creo Parametric there is nothing in what they link to that looks like it is for Creo Parametric 1.0. What they link to is Creo Elements Pro 5.0 which, although they may call it Creo Parametric now, is not the same as what was called Creo Parametric 1.0 that was released in June. Maybe they do something different with the University Editions but there's nothing I've seen or read that shows a Student Edition for what was released in June is available.
Yeah, I downloaded that one and opened it and was disappointed b/c I already have that student download. Hopefully, they'll release a student edition soon. Thanks!