How to get the reference edges for a selected dimension using ProToolKit Creo3.0?
So I think to get the edges of a dimension here means that you want to get the geometrical references of the dimensions.
- so for example when you select an dimension you can get via ProSelectionModelitemGet the model item and when it is a PRO_DIMENSION then you can use the API ProDimensionAttachmentsGet() to get the references. So it could be some code like this below:
/*==================================================================*\ FUNCTION : TestAnnotDimAttachmentWrite() PURPOSE : Writes Dimensions Attachment to a file. \*==================================================================*/ ProError TestAnnotDimAttachmentWrite (ProDimension* dimension) { char var [PRO_FILE_NAME_SIZE]; char line [500]; ProError status1; ProAnnotationPlane ap_get; ProDimAttachment *pro_array_dim_attachment_get; ProDimSense *pro_array_dim_sense_get; ProDimOrient orient_hint_get; ProDimensiontype dim_type_get; int i,j,k; ProModelitem p_mdl_item; int dim_sense_array_size,dim_sense_array_size_low,counter,counter_low,dim_attach_array_size; int arr_size; status = ProDimensionTypeGet (dimension,&dim_type_get); MY_ERR_CHECK("ProDimensionTypeGet()", status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); status = ProDimensionAttachmentsGet (dimension, &ap_get, &pro_array_dim_attachment_get, &senses_arr, &orient_hint_get); MY_ERR_CHECK("ProDimensionAttachmentsGet()", status, status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Info of ProDimAttachment : DIMENSION ATTACHMENTS . -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get != NULL) { status = ProArraySizeGet ((ProArray*)pro_array_dim_attachment_get , &dim_attach_array_size); MY_ERR_CHECK_SUCC("ProArraySizeGet()"); if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) { sprintf (line, " + Dimension Attachments (%d found):", dim_attach_array_size); printf (line); /* Traverse through 'dim_attach_array_size' number of 'ProDimAttachment' objects */ for(i = 0 ; i < dim_attach_array_size ; i++) { /* Each 'ProDimAttachment' contains 2 ProSelection Handles Traversing through these handles and writing their info */ for(j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++) { sprintf (line, " - Dimension attachment [%d][%d]", i+1, j+1); my_line_printf (line); if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j] != NULL) { do_something_with_particular_attachment (pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j]); } else { my_line_printf(" > NULL \n"); } } } }/* if(status == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)*/ ProDimattachmentarrayFree (pro_array_dim_attachment_get); } /* if(pro_array_dim_attachment_get != NULL) */ }/* if(status1 == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) */ return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR; }
... ProError testModelDims(ProMdl mdl,ProDrawing drw,ProView view,ProAsmcomppath *comp_path) { DimAppData app_data; app_data.drw=drw; app_data.view=view; app_data.p_comp_path=comp_path; Log("==> Fired testModelDims here "); //refdim true, standard dims false ERR( ProSolidDimensionVisit( (ProSolid) mdl , PRO_B_FALSE, UserDimensionAction, UserDimensionFilter ,(ProAppData*) &app_data)); return PRO_TK_NO_ERROR;} /*************************************************************************/ ProError UserDimensionFilter (ProDimension* dim, ProAppData appdata) { ProError err; DimAppData *app_data=(DimAppData*) appdata; ProBoolean is_shown=PRO_B_FALSE; ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationIsShown((ProAnnotation*) dim,(ProDrawing) app_data->drw,&is_shown)) if(is_shown) { Log( "\n UserDimensionFilter dim_id=%d is SHOWN", dim->id); //return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);//we do know need already shown dimensions return(PRO_TK_E_FOUND); } else { Log( "\n UserDimensionFilter dim_id=%d is INVISIBLE", dim->id); //return(PRO_TK_CONTINUE); // will not filter here for shown return (PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND); } } /*************************************************************************/ ProError UserDimensionAction (ProDimension* dim, ProError error_status, ProAppData appdata) { ProError err; double value; ProDimlocation dimloc; ProPoint3d arr1, arr2,witn1,witn2; ProView view; ProName wname,wname1; char name[256]; char name1[256]; ProSelection sel; DimAppData *app_data=(DimAppData*) appdata; ERR( ProDimensionValueGet(dim, &value)); if(error_status==PRO_TK_E_FOUND) { ERR(ProDrawingDimensionViewGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw, dim, &view)) ERR(ProDrawingViewNameGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw,view,wname)) ProWstringToString(name,wname); ERR(ProDrawingViewNameGet((ProDrawing) app_data->drw,app_data->view,wname1)) ProWstringToString(name1,wname1); Log( "DIMENSION[ID=%i], Value=%f",dim->id, value); if(strcmp(name, name1) != 0) //not the same { Log("Visit_VIEW[%s] and DIM_VIEW[%s] \nare different BREAKs the method...",name1,name); return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); } else { Log("Visit_VIEW[%s] and DIM_VIEW[%s] \n are the same CONTINUEs the method...",name1,name); return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); } /*ERR( ProDimensionLocationGet(dim, view, (ProDrawing) appdata, &dimloc)) */ ERR(ProSelectionAlloc(NULL,(ProModelitem *) dim, &sel)) ERR(ProSelectionViewSet(view,&sel)) err = ProDimensionLocationGet(dim, NULL, (ProDrawing) app_data->drw, &dimloc); if (!err) ProSelectionHighlight(sel,PRO_COLOR_SHEETMETAL); else ProSelectionHighlight(sel,PRO_COLOR_ERROR); if (!err) { ERR( ProDimlocationArrowsGet(dimloc, arr1, arr2)) Log("\nArrow1=(%f,%f,%f), Arrow2=(%f,%f,%f)\n", arr1[0], arr1[1], arr1[2], arr2[0], arr2[1], arr2[2]); ERR(ProDimlocationWitnesslinesGet(dimloc, witn1, witn2)) Log("\nWitness1=(%f,%f,%f), Witness2=(%f,%f,%f)\n", witn1[0], witn1[1], witn1[2], witn2[0], witn2[1], witn2[2]); ERR( ProDimlocationFree(dimloc)) } else { Log( "ERROR = %d\n",err); } } if(error_status==PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND) { Log("TRY TO SHOW this DIM"); ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationDisplay((ProAnnotation* ) dim,(ProAsmcomppath*) app_data->p_comp_path,app_data->drw,app_data->view)) if(err_ray == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) //shows permanent ERR_INFO(ProAnnotationShow((ProAnnotation* ) dim,app_data->p_comp_path,app_data->view)) } return (PRO_TK_NO_ERROR); } /*************************************************************************/ ...
Thanks for the quick response.
I actually want to get edges of selected dimension which i have highlighted in the attached image. Is there any way to achieve this?
OK this means case 1.) (the first sample code)
do_something_with_particular_attachment (pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j]);
where the input argument of this function should be a selection with the geometrical references - it coud be an edge or vertex on boundary ...etc (did not check what will be accepted as valid references for the annotation element ... I am not sure if it will accept a flat surface or plane)
you can for example highlight it with
ProSelectionHighlight(pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j], PRO_COLOR_SELECTED);
here in the example for the pro_array_dim_attachment_get[i][j] - means i - the number of the model dimension
and j could be [0;1] one of the possible 2 refences for i-th dimension.