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i'm writing a function to export a .prt file in step file.
Dim instructions As IpfcExportInstructions
Dim stepInstructions As IpfcSTEP3DExportInstructions
Dim flags As IpfcGeometryFlags
Dim outPath As String
flags = (New CCpfcGeometryFlags).Create()
flags.AsSolids = True
stepInstructions = (New CCpfcSTEP3DExportInstructions). _
Create(EpfcAssemblyConfiguration.EpfcEXPORT_ASM_SINGLE_FILE, flags)
instructions = stepInstructions
outPath = session.GetCurrentDirectory() + model.InstanceName.ToLower + ".stp"
model.Export(outPath, instructions)
This code works fine but the step file is in AP203 format.
How i can set the format in ap214 via VB API?
see . Maybe this discusssion will direct you in the right direction.
thanks for your reply. Adding the step_export_format ap214_is statement to the file everything works fine, but I would like to automate the procedure via vb API.
it's possible to do it?
I am sorry I can't help you ... I don't have deep knowledge of vb API.