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Hi all,
If you are running Windows XP or above, you could add the following construct to the startup batch file:
rem sleep 5
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq xtop.exe" | findstr /i "xtop"
if %ERRORLEVEL%neq 0 goto :CONT_LBL
I don't remember where 'sleep' command or equivalent on Windows machine was located...
The same idea works from toolkit app: spawn a process, watch for xtop.exe process in 'while' loop, continiue after theprocess termination.
Another approach isto access a trail file from toolkit app and watch for themagic '!End of Trail File' string.
In Reply to Ben Bailey:
Thanks Gerry!
I have about come to the same conclusion. Unfortunately, my script is
interactive. My current investigation paths are (1) Launch Pro/E and
invoke a trail file. Ilink WILL wait for that. Will have to play some
games to get the TOOLKIT going. The advantage is that Ilink handles all
the connection issues. (2) Use JAVA methods to invoke an Asynchronous
TOOLKIT app and wait for that. I don't have a whole lot of experience
with Asynchronous mode, plus I would need to handle all the connection
issues myself.
I'll post a summary once I wrangle this Beastie to the ground.