I have an application that is seeking two surfaces contained in a weld feature. I'm using the Pro/toolkit COMM api. I can see the two surfaces used to define the weld feature inside of ProE (see image below).
The best I can seem to do is a ListParents (CpfcFeatures componentList = feature.ListParents();) on the weld feature which returns the two components (two flat plates) from the assembly, but this doesn't help me find the surfaces.
Any Pro/Toolkit experts out there will to lend me assistance? It is much appreciated.
About which API are you talking - Pro/TOOLKIT (C, C++) or VB (Visual Basic)?
Sorry...I am using the VB toolkit.
Is the Pro/toolkit in C/C++ much more advanced than the VP API?
Yes, that's why the license is so expensive.
I am not sure but VBAPI is having least functionality.
You can try below on Drawing file with Pro-Toolkit:
- collect all symbol instance having name as weld type
- Collect leaders associated with symbol (ProDtlsyminstdataLeadersCollect)
- Get attachment of All leaders (ProDtlattachGet)
-Get model item of attachment (ProSelectionModelitemGet)
-Get surface from Geomitem (ProGeomitemToSurface)
I have not tried this but it should work.