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I have the same question.
Any ideas will be helpful.
I found a way to create new text in a scketch
ProError SketchedTextReplace (ProFeature *feat, ProName refdestext) { ProError status; ProSection section; ProIntlist ent_ids; int n_ids; Pro2dEntdef *p_ent; Pro2dTextdef *mytext; ProElement featElemTree; ProElement sketcherElem; ProElempath sketcherElemPath; status = ProFeatureElemtreeExtract(feat, NULL, PRO_FEAT_EXTRACT_NO_OPTS, &featElemTree); //Get section ProElempathItem sketcherElemPathItem[2] = { {PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID, PRO_E_STD_SECTION}, {PRO_ELEM_PATH_ITEM_TYPE_ID, PRO_E_SKETCHER}}; status = ProElempathAlloc(&sketcherElemPath); status = ProElempathDataSet(sketcherElemPath, sketcherElemPathItem, 2); status = ProElemtreeElementGet(featElemTree, sketcherElemPath, &sketcherElem); if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) //Not a section { return status; } status = ProElementSpecialvalueGet(sketcherElem, NULL, (ProAppData*) §ion); status = ProSectionIntentManagerModeSet(section, PRO_B_TRUE); status = ProSectionEntityIdsGet(section, &ent_ids, &n_ids); for (int i=0; i<n_ids; i++) { status = ProSectionEntityGet(section, ent_ids[i], (Pro2dEntdef**)&mytext); if (mytext->type == PRO_2D_TEXT) { Pro2dTextdef newtext; int newtext_id; ProWSecerror sec_errs; //copy parameters from old text newtext.type = mytext->type; newtext.first_corner[0] = mytext->first_corner[0]; newtext.first_corner[1] = mytext->first_corner[1]; newtext.second_corner[0] = mytext->second_corner[0]; newtext.second_corner[1] = mytext->second_corner[1]; status = ProWstringCopy(mytext->font_name, newtext.font_name, PRO_VALUE_UNUSED); status = ProWstringCopy(refdestext, newtext.string, PRO_VALUE_UNUSED); status = ProSectionEntityAdd (section, (Pro2dEntdef*)&newtext, &newtext_id); status = ProSectionEntityDelete (section, ent_ids[i]); status = ProSecerrorAlloc (&sec_errs); int n_errors; status = ProSectionRegenerate (section, &sec_errs); status = ProSectionIntentManagerModeSet(section, PRO_B_FALSE); status = ProSecerrorFree (&sec_errs); //Redefine feature ProFeatureCreateOptions *featCreationOpts = NULL; status = ProArrayAlloc(1, sizeof(ProFeatureCreateOptions), 1, reinterpret_cast<ProArray *>(&featCreationOpts)); featCreationOpts[0] = PRO_FEAT_CR_NO_OPTS; ProErrorlist errorList; status = ProFeatureWithoptionsRedefine(NULL, feat, featElemTree, featCreationOpts, PRO_REGEN_NO_FLAGS, &errorList); ProArrayFree ((ProArray*)&featCreationOpts); return status; }//if }//for return PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND; }