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Anybody had success to use ProDtlattachArrowtypeSet or ProDtlattachArrowtypeGet?
My code:
ProDtlattach leader;
ProSelection sel = *(ProSelection *)Weld_data_global.edges_sel[l];
err = ProSelectionVerify(Weld_data_global.edges_sel[l]);
err = ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_PARAMETRIC, NULL, NULL, Weld_data_global.edges_sel[l], &leader);
/* Licensing Requirement Pro/TOOLKIT-for-3D_Drawings (222)*/
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTSerr = ProDtlattachArrowtypeGet(leader, &leadertype);err = ProArrayObjectAdd ((ProArray*)&leaders, -1, 1, &leader);
The solution:
Need to create note, then collect a leaders from new note, set new arrow type and modify the note.
err = ProDtlnoteCreate(*drawing, NULL, ndata, ¬e);
err = ProNoteLeaderstyleSet(¬e, PRO_LEADER_ISO);
Display the note
err = ProDtlnoteShow(¬e);
Free the memory for the note description
err = ProDtlnoteDataGet(¬e, NULL, PRODISPMODE_NUMERIC, &ndata);
err = ProDtlnotedataLeadersCollect(ndata, &leaders);
err = ProDtlattachArrowtypeSet(leaders[0], PROLEADERTYPE_RIGHTHALF);
err = ProDtlnotedataLeadersSet(ndata, leaders);
err= ProDtlnoteModify(¬e, NULL, ndata);