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I could not get any toolkit api to add an image into drawing. So I am trying to add a symbol instead of drawing.
Is there any toolkit api to do this ?
will ProSymbolDesignate() help ?
First you need to retrieve the symbol
ProDrawingDtlsymdefRetrieve((ProDrawing) mdl, sympath, symname_xml, PRO_VALUE_UNUSED, PRO_B_TRUE, &symdef);
and after the retrivement has no errors you can place it.
ProDtlsyminstdata sdata;
ProDtlattach attach;
ProDtlsyminst syminst;
writeRunnerLog_d(L"Symbol is retrieved", 0, 1);
Allocate the symbol instance decription
if (ProDtlsyminstdataAlloc((ProDrawing) mdl, &sdata) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 1", 2);
Set the definition this is an instance of
if (ProDtlsyminstdataDefSet(sdata, &symdef) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 2", 2);
if (ProDtlsyminstdataGroupoptionsSet(sdata, PRO_DTLSYMINST_GROUP_ALL, NULL) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 3", 2);
if (ProDtlsyminstdataAttachtypeSet(sdata, PROSYMDEFATTACHTYPE_FREE) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 4", 2);
if (ProDtlattachAlloc(PRO_DTLATTACHTYPE_FREE, NULL, point, NULL, &attach) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 5", 2);
if (ProDtlsyminstdataAttachmentSet(sdata, attach) != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) writeRunnerLog(L"SourceCode - add Symbol failure 6", 2);
Create the symbol and free the description
err = ProDtlsyminstCreate((ProDrawing) mdl, sdata, &syminst);
if (err == PRO_TK_NO_ERROR) {
int winid;
Display the symbol
writeRunnerLog_d(L"Symbol instance is created and displayed", 0, 1);
Redraw the Drawing tree
ProMdlWindowGet(mdl, &winid);
ProDrawingtreeRefresh((ProDrawing)mdl, winid);
} else {
writeRunnerLog(L"Symbol can't be displayed", 2);
If the symboldefinition is already inside the Drawing it would be updated by retrieve symbol definition. If you don't want this behaivior or want to place self drawn you can use ProDrawingDtlsymdefsCollect and search for the definition you want to use.