I'd try recording your mapkey on a part or assy (that difference maycause you grief too) with a view V1 and record a sequence to delete theexisting V1 and then create a new one. The goal here would be that if V1 is present, it's deleted before thenew V1 is created; if V1 is not present nothing is deleted and V1 iscreated. I'd test it on a part/assy with other named views where V1 is in adifferent place in the list and again on a part/assy where this arenamed views but not V1 and again where there are no named views. Onewould think that the mapkey would record 'select the view named V1 anddelete it' but I've seen it do something like 'select the third view onthe list and delete it.' Good luck, Doug Schaefer
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer