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prodb_feature_info() replacement for feature references in Pro/Toolkit or OTK


prodb_feature_info() replacement for feature references in Pro/Toolkit or OTK

Old ProDEVELOP function prodb_feature_info() was returning pro_feature with reat_references.
Does anybody know how to get these references by Pro/Toolkit or OTK?
ProFeatureExternParentsGet() and ProFeatureExternChildrenGet() return only some of them...


Correct. Suggested API is to get external parent / child. Please give a try to API ProFeatureParentsGet()



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I have tried it, but it is not the same. I have one cut for example and Pro/DEVELOP is returning 4 different references (csys and 3x datum plane). There is no id returned from ProFeatureParentsGet and only 1 feature - the csys from ProFeatureExternParentsGet() for this cut.

I have used feature parent and child get with Creo 2.0 for weld features. It was working as per my expectation.if you could upload sample model and your expected result, I would like to try at my end once I will get time.

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