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synchronous to asynchronous DLL (Mapkey)


synchronous to asynchronous DLL (Mapkey)

Hi @ all,

I search for a solution to run Mapkeys (with press of the "OK"-button, and every other thing) in a DLL.

Till now I have read the manual and understand (hope thats right), that I only can run mapkeys with complete functionality in async dlls. So I try to change my sync dll to an async dll. I changed the lib from protk_dll.lib to pt_asyncrounus.lib and try to make a simple connection to Pro Engineer, but I've get everytime a PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR ... I think I have a failure in my compile settings.

I've Compile my code as C - Code and Link with the following libs.

libs: pt_asynchronous.lib protoolkit.lib wsock32.lib +std. Libs

Everything seems alright.

After that I use the protk.dat :

name Model_Processor
startup dll
exec_file C:\WF4Test\MDLPRC_Runner.dll
text_dir C:\WF4Test\
allow_stop true
delay_start false

to load the DLL and get the failure. I think that could be the error too. But I didn't find a solution to load the DLL on another way.

I have a user_initialize and a user_terminate function inside so it should find them

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int user_initialize(int argc, char *argv[])
char *pre = "Pre", *post = "Post";
ProError err;
uiCmdCmdId cmd_id;

ProTKFprintf(stderr, "\n<mdlprc> user_initialize\n");
Parse the command line
ProUtilCommandLineParse( argc, argv );

Initialize termination notification function.
err = ProTermFuncSet((ProTerminationAction)UserTerminateAction);
"user_initialize()", err, err != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR);

I've copied for first tests the demo example inside my code. I've Compile with C std. so I've changed the extern "C" to only be compiled with C++ ... so never. Can be that this is the failure ...

Hope someone had the same quest already solved and give me a tip that show me a way to the solution of these problem.

Best regards,


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> Till now I have read the manual and understand (hope thats right), that
> I only can run mapkeys with complete functionality in async dlls. So I
> try to change my sync dll to an async dll.

Asynchronous apps must be standalone executables. You
can't use a DLL only, although your async .exe can itself
use DLL's of course.

Marc Mettes

Thx very much is a step in the right direction.

Now I can start the exe file and say that it should connect to Pro/Engineer. The result is that Pro/E Crashes, but its a step.

Best regards,


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