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IoT Tips

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  Hello, ThingWorx Users!   As promised, we are back with Episode 02 of ThingWorx on Air. Listen to our PM Milan share the secrets of Operator Advisor and how we built the solution with an eye for IIoT developers.   Learn how Operator Advisor provides you with pre-built snippets of code for widgets, services, etc. targeted specifically for shop floor operators. No more starting from scratch!   Reach out if you have any questions or topic requests!   Stay connected, Kaya   P.S. Keep your ears peeled for the “Wowza Widget of the Week!”
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  Some call him JB. Some call him Joe. Others call him @bironology. I call him an awesome guy—he’s our CTO of IoT here at PTC—Joe Biron!   Joe’s an architect at heart, a developer, an avid gamer and a technologist (check him out on Twitter @bironology).   Watch as he guest stars in the Microsoft Channel 9 “IoT Deep Dive Live” show! Listen to him explain how you can build end-to-end industrial solutions with ThingWorx and Azure. ­­ And, guess who’s running the demo behind the scenes: our Global ThingWorx COE Lead, Neal Hagermoser, who you may recognize from a previous Ask Kaya post where I interviewed him on why we chose to partner with Azure.   Enjoy the show and stay connected! Kaya
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Help the ThingWorx product team with some key strategic questions about developing apps in the cloud!   Let us know what you think here!   Stay connected, Kaya
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  Meet Anthony. Anthony came to PTC from a large industrial company as a user of Axeda, a leading device connectivity company that PTC acquired in 2014. With a background in aerospace engineering and experience in a variety of industries including life safety, healthcare, nuclear power, and oil and gas, Anthony has been working to create new value around innovation for customers transitioning to ThingWorx. When he’s not working on IIoT, he’s playing music on Cape Cod, photographing Hawaiian landscapes or bringing awesome inflatable chairs into the office.    You may recall from last week's post that Thing Presence is one of the top three features in 8.4 that you might not know about. This week, I spoke with Anthony for a deeper dive on Thing Presence. Check out how it went.   Kaya: What was the challenge users were facing that led us to create Thing Presence? Anthony: Axeda customers transitioning to ThingWorx were struggling with the connectivity use case and kept asking, ‘why is my asset always offline?’ When we evaluated it, we discovered that it was tied to the difference between AlwaysOn and Axeda eMessage protocol architectures. IsConnected will always report false for polling and duty cycle devices.   The use case of Thing Presence is to know that the asset is reporting into the network and is ready to provide information (push) or be accessed to retrieve information or do a remote desktop support (pull). This use case is relevant for any asset in ThingWorx that uses duty cycle.   In ThingWorx 8.4 (coming in early 2019), the new IsReporting state will inform the user when a polling device is communicating on a regular basis. If it is, then IsReporting will be true. The IsReporting state resolves the discrepancy wherein devices that are on duty cycle appear disconnected due to the IsConnected state reporting false.  New "IsReporting" state improves visibility of an asset's communication state Kaya: How exactly does Thing Presence work? Anthony: You can think of it in terms of having teenagers. You tell them they need to check in with you on a regular basis through text message. If a text is missed, all of a sudden you take action.   Now, imagine the teenager is a device. If a device was supposed to check in every five minutes and it misses one poll, I want to flag that as a problem. The challenge with that from a service perspective is that sometimes your service personnel will go out and work on a device and may need to take it offline for a bit of time; we need to factor that in. We certainly don’t want to deploy someone or try to fix something when a service technician is already there.   You might decide, ‘my average service visit is an hour, so, if I miss a couple of pings, I’m okay; but, if I’m offline for more than an hour, then I’d like to know about it because I’d like to take action.’ Thing Presence allows you to define that window.   Kaya: You’ve mentioned ‘duty cycle’ and ‘polling cycle.’ Can you explain these terms? Anthony: Duty cycle and polling cycle are the same thing. It means that a device has a time for which it is expected to check in, and, provided that it checks in within that timeframe, all is good with the connection.   Connected services rely on a connection. As soon as the connection is broken, I no longer have the ability to service the asset.   Kaya: Given everything we’ve discussed, where do you see Thing Presence headed? Anthony: The next piece of the equation for us is to provide information on the health of the connection. When you look at servicing a remote asset, you need to a) know that it is communicating, and b) know that the connection is healthy before you try anything. I wouldn’t want to try a software update if I am losing connection with my asset on a regular basis.   What do we mean by health? We mean: is the device checking in when it should be? If it’s not, is there a pattern to that connection, and are those patterns tied to applications? For example, is it only on during working hours? Does it turn off during holidays? If the device is in a school, does it turn off during summer maintenance work? This allows us to garner insights on how and when the equipment is being used, not just operating status. At the end of the day, does this mean I can apply analytics and AI tools to it? Absolutely. Is it the first place I would apply it? Probably not.   Kaya: In your mind, what is the next big thing coming in ThingWorx that you’re particularly excited about? Anthony: Mashup 2.0 and Asset Advisor 8.4. (Double mic drop.)   Kaya: That’s awesome. My last question is related to you. Can you tell me what your favorite aspect is about working at PTC? Anthony: The chaos. Very often it’s chaos that breeds innovation. What I mean by that is that, if you try to create something because you sit down and you say, ‘I am going to innovate,’ very often that is a failure because the majority of the time it’s the influence of a deadline, a customer need or an application at hand that makes the environment trying and sometimes hectic. But, it is in these challenging environments where you can be the most creative and innovative as an engineer.
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  If you’ve ever wished you could see into the future, you’ve come to the right place! Put your reflective suits and sunglasses on to prepare for a glimpse into the future of our upcoming ThingWorx 8.4 release! Here are sneak peeks of the top three features you may not have known are coming in ThingWorx 8.4.   1. Thing Presence While it sounds like something from an episode of Ghost Hunters, Thing Presence provides insight into the communication state of polling or duty cycle Things (those that check in and out on a periodic basis). We’re introducing a new IsReporting state, which would be set to true when polling assets check in on time and are considered “present in the network.” This helps to bridge the gap where the traditional ThingWorx IsConnected state reports offline and does not coincide with the actual network presence of the device.   Thing Presence: New "IsReporting" State2. Data Helpers You may not know what Data Helpers are, but if you’re a longstanding ThingWorx developer you likely know about Expression and Validator widgets. These widgets were handy because they allowed you to write conditional logic or input validation to drive behaviors in the UI, but were super frustrating to use. They took up lots of room on the visual layout canvas and only had a very little textbox to edit them. In the 8.4 release, we are happy to announce that these two widgets will no longer be placed on the layout canvas. Instead, they will have a dedicated editor to work from with plenty of room for code development, parameter configuration and event definition and binding. We’re wrapping all of this functionality into a nice little feature called…Data Helpers. Data Helpers: Expression and Validator Widgets No Longer in Layout Canvas3. ThingWorx Flow In case Thing Presence and Data Helpers aren’t exciting enough, we’re also introducing ThingWorx Flow, a neat new feature set that dramatically speeds development of connected applications through integrations with business systems like Salesforce and SAP. Imagine that, when a certain alert triggers, you want to automatically create a Salesforce service ticket and even send an emergency text to an operator to prevent damage to a device. A large set of out-of-the-box system connectors (PTC Windchill, Office 365, Google Docs, Slack, Jira and more) are included, which you can drag and drop onto a canvas to visually define a workflow. In the example below, a ThingWorx-connected device element, a Salesforce “create case” action and a Twilio text message connector were dropped into the canvas to create a visual workflow. Orchestration: Example Workflow that Creates Salesforce Cases and Alerts OperatorsThing Presence, Data Helpers & Flow—get ready for these and more in ThingWorx 8.4!   Stay tuned for future posts that go into greater depth about each of these features and comment your thoughts below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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If your mashups are feeling cramped and crowded, we’ve got some good news for you. Coming in our next release, ThingWorx will offer truly responsive layouts for your mashups, allowing you to adjust the size of your viewport or present a mashup on a variety of displays—laptop, tablet, phone, etc.—without compromising presentation or responsiveness. This new layout capability is based on Flexbox. Check out this article to learn more.   Here’s a sneak peek of our new layout editor. It’s still in development, but I hope you can start to see how you can use this in your UI development.   Sneak Peek: Responsive Mashup Layout Notice the ability to split the layout into containers. Each of the containers allows you to horizontally or vertically layout, distribute from left or right, align from top or bottom, justify space between widgets, etc. This gives you as the developer ultimate control to define the responsiveness of the mashup.   Like what you see? Any feedback? Let me know below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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Meet Neal. When Neal joined PTC five years ago, he immediately hit the ground running on IoT initiatives, working in multiple areas ranging from pre-sales to partner relations. Today, he is a Worldwide ThingWorx Center of Excellence Principal Lead at PTC, and his biggest focus is supporting the go-to-market for the Microsoft partnership.   I sat down with Neal recently to hear the details on exactly how Azure and ThingWorx can be used to develop world-class IIoT applications.   Kaya: Can you explain how Azure and ThingWorx work together? Neal: Yes, so Azure provides the cloud infrastructure that our customers need in order to deploy ThingWorx.   By having Azure as our preferred cloud platform, we’re able to specialize our R&D efforts into utilizing functionality that is available in Azure, rather than having to reinvent the wheel ourselves for each cloud platform in the attempt to remain cloud-agnostic. By leveraging a single, already quite powerful, cloud platform through Azure, we’re able to maximize our development efforts.   Kaya: What was the major problem that led to us investigating cloud options? Neal: There were two issues that our users had. The first was we often had complicated installs and setup procedures because we were genericizing the whole process, so the initial setup and run was complicated and expensive. For example, we were requiring them to setup additional VMs and components, and we were giving them generic instructions because we were being very agnostic, when they had already chosen outside of us to use one of the cloud platforms. We knew our customers wanted to move fast, so we had to make it easier and faster for them to see results.   The other issue we ran into with customers was the confusion in the offerings. For ThingWorx, ingest is just one aspect of IoT. ThingWorx is particularly strong in areas like enabling mixed reality and augmented reality as well as application enablement. And, while we also have the ability to perform ingest capabilities, Microsoft is especially powerful when it comes to ingest capabilities and security. We decided that the smartest solution was to leverage Microsoft’s expertise in data ingestion to make ThingWorx even more powerful; so, we made the Azure IoT Hub Connector. By partnering with Microsoft, we have joint architecture where you can see how Microsoft provides key features and ThingWorx will run on top of those features and get you faster to the market to develop the application.   Below is an example of a high-availability deployment of ThingWorx on Azure that utilizes ThingWorx Azure IoT Connectors to access an Azure IoT Hub.  High-Availability Deployment of ThingWorx on Azure Kaya: Why did we partner with Azure? What specific benefits does Azure offer over other cloud services providers? Neal: When we started to look at what our customers were using for cloud services, we noticed that a lot were using Microsoft. When we join forces with Microsoft, we have a much more wholistic offering around digital transformation. With the partnership, PTC and Microsoft are able to leverage each partner’s respective strengths to provide even more powerful IIoT solutions. You have Windchill and Microsoft’s business application strategies; you have Vuforia and Microsoft’s mixed reality and augmented reality strategies; and, you have ThingWorx on the Microsoft Azure cloud. Overall, you have a much more complete and powerful offering together.   Kaya: What is your favorite aspect about working at PTC? Neal: The growth. There’s been a lot of changes over the last five years that I’ve been here. PTC has been able to leverage its strengths and long-time experience in the CAD and PLM markets to enter and ultimately become a leader in the IIoT market, according to reports by research firms like Gartner and Forrester. In short, the growing IIoT market and PTC’s leadership in the industry.   Note to Readers: You’ve likely heard about our major strategic partnership with Microsoft to leverage our respective IIoT and cloud technologies to optimize the creation, deployment, management and overall use of your IIoT applications. If you haven’t heard about the partnership, check out the press release here. If you’re curious about more aspects of PTC’s partnership with Microsoft, check out this site devoted to sharing how ThingWorx and Azure are better together.
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Just like the perfect sandwich, we know that you have specific preferences and requirements for your ThingWorx deployment. Whether you like to keep things simple with a classic grilled cheese or you like to spice things up with a more elaborate chipotle mayo BLT, we’ve got you covered. Our ThingWorx Deployment Architecture Guide explains what you’ll need to deploy ThingWorx in three different scenarios: production, enterprise and high-availability (pictured below).   Deployment Architecture for ThingWorx on Azure in High-Availability We’ve recently published Version 1.1 of the ThingWorx Deployment Architecture Guide. In it, you can find updated deployment architecture diagrams to more distinctly show the data and application layers within a ThingWorx environment. Our team has also added a new section on what you’ll need to deploy ThingWorx on Microsoft Azure, PTC’s preferred cloud platform.   Check it out here or in the attachment section on the right.   Stay connected, Kaya
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In this session, we pick up where we left off with the mashup which was worked on in part 1 of our Advanced Mashup Expert Session series. Specifically, we will explore the concepts of master mashups, session variables, and media entities, using each to further enhance the look and feel of our mashup.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This video builds upon the mashup created in the basic session, and strives to create a more polished, user-friendly interface that is ready for deployment. In part 1, we’ll take a look at advanced layout designs and include a more varied set of widgets to help draw attention to some of the more pertinent properties being captured within the mashup.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.  
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Fresh look at getting started with ThingWorx in a relevant context that outlines the DEVOPS needed to kick-start your programming.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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