I would like to receive at the exact same time all the tags values from a data logger when one of the value of the list of tags change. To do so, I tried to use the 'Log on data change' from the Trigger but sometimes I have a delay.
Do you know what I could change in the parameters of the data logger to receive all the tags at once ?
Please take a look at page in DataLogger manual in the following link:
The page covers the Narrow vs Wide table formatting. Using a wide format will allow for all items to be logged. The default setting for this parameter is narrow.
Thanks for your answer.
To specify, what I would like to achieve is to have all the data from the list of tags at the same time when the value of one of the tag change. For example now if the value of the 'Loc.Wec.Palnt1.Status.St' tag change, I will se the value of this tag appearing in my retrieved data but no necessary the other ones or with some seconds of delay.
I need to have all the tag at the exact same time when the value of ONE tag change.
Ah ok, you will want to have all of the items in one log group and use the Wide format with the Log on Data Change: enabled. If you are not getting the desired results, I recommend opening a support ticket with the Kepware team. The Kepware support team will be able to analyze your specific architecture. Here is a link to the login page where a support ticket can be opened:
For example, this documentation here explain how to do it for one tag that will push every tags when it change but I need to have all the tags pushed when any of the tag change value: Article - CS320305 - How to set a datalogger trigger to log all items into one single row when data changes in KEPServerEX / ThingWorx Kepware Server (ptc.com)
Ok thanks for the clarification. I believe you are looking for a combination of the Narrow vs Wide format logging where a separate row is created for each item even when only one item in the log group has changed. Is this correct?
Hi @cmorehead,
To clarify the situation, I have a lot of tags in the same data logger (more than 100). Your solution seems to be working only for a limited amount of tags.
Do you have a idea of what is possible in this situation?